Natsu~ The Heartbeat In Between

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I'm a cheerful girl in middle school. I like to cheer people up whenever I can, I suppose I'm just that type of person. Due to my personality, I have a lot of good friends who I can count on and them on me. There's this girl in our grade, her name is Summer. I've "known" her since 5th grade and we're in the 8th grade now, just started the 8th grade. You can say that she's the popular girl of the year, also with a reputation of dating a lot of boys. The first day of the school year starts. Everyone's waiting outside for the doors to open, the front of the school are filled with students from grade 6-8, and with a new school year comes new students. I got to school and met up with my friends.

"Hey__________! How was your Summer break?" My friend Olivia asks.

"It was fun, simple but fun. How about you guys?" I ask her and my three other friends, Andy, Jeanie, and Kendra.

"It was great, but now... another school year." Andy sighs.

We all laugh, yes, another school year, but then high school awaits us. After talking for a bit, I reach into my backpack to get my notebook. I pull out my notebook and I look at it, the other 4 are still talking away. I look up to take a glance around the area at all the students, I see Summer with her girlfriends. Apparently they are looking at something and giggling, curious, I turn my head towards the direction that they are looking at. My eyes land on a group of asian boys, 5 to be exact. One of them caught my eyes though, he is lean, wearing all black and his hair is dark brown or black and is up in a half ponytail. His hair is slightly curly, he has nice fair skin, but his facial expression is so calm and still. It's, captivating you can say. He is standing in profile position in the little circle and he's not too far away from my group, he says something and puts his hands in his pockets. He looks up at the sky and forwards and sees Summer's group, the girls giggle. I smile at their fangirling, I then notice a slight movement from his position. Without knowing I turn my head back to look at him again still smiling unknowingly, I happen to catch him look this way and his eyes glances over the area like I did earlier and his eyes stops on mine when he sees me. My heart feels like it almost stopped beating and my breath hitches, his eyes slightly widens a little but returns back to normal. I guess my slight gasp caught my friends' attention.

"__________, are you alright? You gasped a little there." Andy asks me tapping me on the shoulder.

I blink, pulling myself back into reality. I break the gaze and look at my friends.

"Ya... I'm fine, I choked a little on my saliva." I say to them with a slight laugh.

They nod and return to talking, I take a glance back at the boy. He has his head down and he lifts it up, he has a slight smile on his face as he looks at me again. I return a smile. The door then opens, all the students walk up to the door ready to start another school year. As I walk up to the door, I reach into my bag again to get a pencil incase I need to write something down, I suddenly bump into someone on the back slightly.

"Oof, sorry." I say to the person.

"No problem." A slightly deep voice replies.

I look up and the person turns around as well, our eyes meet and my eyes open wide. It's him, he shows me a smile. Suddenly his friend grabs his arm and pulls him inside.

"Come on Natsu, let's go we have to get seats in the classroom." His friends says.

"Oh my, calm down Hiro." Natsu says turning abruptly at the tug.

I didn't get to talk to him but at least I know his name. I watch him disappear down the hallway with a bunch of other students, I let out a sigh as I walk the opposite of him. We're not in the same homeroom. I see Summer and some of her friends going down the hallway as well, looks like she's in the same room as him. The first day of class goes by so fast, and on the first day, every class has different times on when the class ends, teacher preferences. I wave goodbye to my friends as we walk out of the front door, since it's the first day of school there were so many people outside. Since Summer was so long everyone wanted to catch up with each other, I take a look around the school's playground and I happen to see Summer talking with someone. It was the boy that I bumped into earlier, her friends were beside her talking with his friends. The boy, who's name is Natsu if I remember just stands there and listens to Summer as she talks to him. Not much of an expression but he's not showing any sense of annoyance either, he smiles at Summer as she finishes talking I assume, he takes a quick glance around the area and his gaze falls onto my location. I quickly look away as to not make eye contact, I begin walking away, my heart began to beat faster.

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