Perfect Sky Is Torn (Larry Stylinson)

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AUTHORS NOTE-- Xx Dedicated to: SmilingHorcrux , My best friend <3!

***Also , You should listen to : Follow You Into the Dark- cover by Chloe Hall. It relates to this fanfic and her cover is beautiful***. & thanks for reading X Ilove you:)

* Written in Harrys P.O.V. *

~ May 4, 2013 ~

Dear Harry,

I need to tell you something that every part of you will refuse to believe, but that you need to hear; You are worth it. You're worth being loved. I know you are. It's the reason my heart breaks into an unhealthily fast rhythm when you're near me, the reason I can't even remember what I was writing just now because I pictured your curls. I've felt like this since X factor.. Im sorry this is how I had to tell you. I'm in love with you Harry. I knew you couldn't love me, so I am a coward, and didn't face you.

Don't you ever blame yourself Harry, for what I'm going to do, it's not your fault. My life is pretty brilliant I guess, fame, fortune, surrounded by amazing people, I just don't deserve it. I'll never be with you, and I'm tired.

I'm sitting here shaking while I write this, I'm scared because I don't know what happens next.. I just know when it happens I want my life to run once more in front of my eyes. I want to remember all those times the lads and us spent together. Remember the staircase diaries? I'll never forget. And right before it all goes dark Harry, I want to see your smile, because then I'll know that everything's going to be okay.

See you in the sunset someday Haz.


'Ill see you in the sunset Haz.'

.. The sunset..

One dragging minute passes by, and I can't move. My jaw is clenched in an attempt to stop the tears, but it doesn't work. I feel like my lungs have been punched. I can't concentrate. Anxiously, my eyes skip around the room, and a panic fills my body when the letter really sets in. Louis couldn't do this. He wouldn't do something so fucking stupid. Would he leave me like this?

The paper held between my fingers falls heavily to the floor, dampened by tears, and my body kicks into motion. I run, but everything's a blur. My head spins as I head for the front door. Despite how fast I run, it's not enough, I feel like I'm unmoving. I need to get to Louis, I have to, or else.. I scrunch my eyes tight, That's not an option.. He wouldn't do that.. Not when I have something like this to tell him.

Nothing feels right, I don't feel right. My foot gets caught on the pavement, and I fall. My arm makes some sort of crack noise, but I'm too numbed by fear of losing Louis to even care. I jump up quickly and make my way forward again, heading to the Grassy cliff at the end of our street. Louis and I watch the sunset there, whenever we have the chance. I see the cliff area maybe ten feet from me, and I stop.

A deep fear arises, that I haven't had to face until now. What if I'm too late?

-- Commentx

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