Nightmare 2/26/18

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Last night I went to bed. I was scared to, but I was also exhausted. This was my nightmare: "I walked into the apartment. It's Saturday night so we are all supposed to be hanging out and just having some stupid fun after an extremely stressful week. A little voice in the back of my head tells me something is wrong. I push it away and tell myself everything is fine. But as soon as I walk into the living room I realize how very wrong I was. They're sitting side by side on the couch, unconscious. Their hands and feet have been tied together and they are bleeding. There is so much blood everywhere. I immediately rush over to them and try to wake them up. I start untying their hands and feet. I rush to the bathroom and grab towels to stop the bleeding but it's too late. They have all lost too much blood already. There's nothing I can do. I call 911 but they get here too late. What was supposed to be a Saturday night of fun and laughter turned into a night of horror and tears. My best friends, no, my family just died in my living room and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I sit there in the middle if the floor, with no idea what to do anymore, crying my eyes out. Someone eventually comes over and wraps a blanket around my shoulders and asks me the general questions 'Where were you? When did you find them? Do they have any enemies or anyone that would have any reason to hurt them?' I answer them as best as I can while trying to figure out myself why this happened. Suddenly one of the officers calls out. He's in my bedroom and written on the wall in blood it says 'You didn't deserve them. You were only tearing them down. They're better off dead than with you.' I scream and run from the room. I make it no further than the kitchen. I suddenly remember where the handgun I insisted we have is hidden. I go to the cabinet just inside the doorway and reach in. My life has just been knocked from under me. I can't live without any of them. I pull the loaded gun from its case. Before any of the police officers realize what's happening I put it in my mouth and pull the trigger. There. Now it's over." I wake up with my heart racing out of my chest and struggling to breathe. I wanted to text one of them. I needed to make sure they were ok. Sure it was just a dream but maybe something had happened. But then I looked at the clock and realized that it was 3am. I didn't want to bother any of them so I just got up, got a drink, and then went back to bed. "It was just a dream, everything is ok" I told myself. Just like every other time.

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