Chapter 9

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I opened my eyes slowly. I sat up and smiled when I heard Mary singing past my door. I went to blink and my eyes felt sticky. What? I got out of bed and felt very weak. What is going on here? Is it because of that nightmare I had last night about Thomas leaving me? I walked over to the bathroom and gasped at my reflection. My eyes had dark heavy bags under my eyes, my eyes were red and I had mascara lines running down my face.

It was real. Thomas left me. He lied to me. I felt my eyes fill with tears but blinked them away quickly. I walked out of the bathroom slowly feeling weak. I climbed back into bed and felt inside my tiger teddy. Got it. I pulled out my hand which now held an old photograph of Thomas that I had taken when he wasn’t looking. I felt the urge to ripe it apart and burn it but I just couldn’t. Has he left yet? I grabbed my phone and dialled his number hearing his voicemail I threw the phone across the room.

I can’t let him do this to me. I got out of bed and had a quick shower. After getting dressed and drying my hair, I walked downstairs passing Mary on the way. “My dear how are you feeling?” she asked gently. I looked up without showing emotion. “I’m fine just going for a walk” I said quietly and opened the front door and left.  It was raining heavily and I felt it matched my mood perfectly. Not bothering to get my raincoat, I walked down the lane on to the main streets of England.

I covered my face with my hood so nobody could recognise me and take a few photos or ask me pointless questions. I passed two young children, a boy and a girl, playing together and felt my chest tighten. That used to be us. Was that a lie too? I shuck my head angrily trying to get the thoughts away but I couldn’t. They seemed to stick to me like bees to honey.

I suddenly bumped shoulders with someone and gasped. “I’m so sorry” I said turning around. “That’s quite alright Elizabeth” Sebastian said smiling. I looked at the ground and nodded. “You okay?” he said gently. I nodded again and turned to leave. I started walking and felt his presence beside me. “You’re not” he stated and I felt my anger rising. “None of your business” I snapped angrily and started to walk faster. He picked up his speed and soon was beside me once more. “Want to talk about it?” he said gently. I stopped walking and faced him angrily. “No I don’t want to fucking talk about it so why don’t you go back to your perfect little life in your perfect little world and leave me the hell alone” I snarled and started to walk again quickly. This time he didn’t follow.

I sighed angrily. I didn’t mean to snap at him but I wasn’t in the mood for the three stooges mum picked for me to marry. I stopped outside a book store and looked at my reflection in the mirror. I looked like a girl who had been to hell and back. I groaned and decided to go inside. The door rang as I entered the store and I walked past a few people until I decided to find a book to read.

I went from aisle to aisle never finding a book to cheer me up. My eyes landed on a book with a purple and black cover. I bent down and picked the book up. I read the back and smirked at how the girl in the story was in my position. Her heart was broken by the guy she loved. Might as well. I walked up to the counter and handed the book to the woman. She greeted me and I handed her the money. “Keep the change” I said smiling and left.

The rain had stopped and the cool ground was covered with puddles. I held the book close and decided to ring my friends. I dialled Jake’s number and he picked up on the second ring. “Hey Berry!” he shouted. “Hey Jake um I need some distractions want to meet up, I’m going to call Sarah too” I said quietly. “Sure, you okay? You sound upset?” he said gently. “Yeah just get your butt over here” I said and sighed. “Yes mam meet you outside gamers corner in five minutes!” he said and cut the call. I rang Sarah next and had the same conversation with her. I can’t let Thomas bring me down, not in front of my friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2014 ⏰

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