Today we set out on a material gathering mission. While we do have a fair amount of food, water, and energy; it won't last us forever. First thing we did was eat breakfast. It mostly consisted of this kind of dried pancake cracker I should explain it was a pancake until it was dried to a crunch it's actually a pretty common kids treat. First thing after we began setting up our power supplies first the solar panels were propped up and pointed in the right direction. Next we set up a water turbine in the river for power which also feed water into a filter and collection tank. With a now never ending supply of water and energy we figured it was time to break for lunch. Me and Chelsey unpacked some food from the ship todays food ration was a baked potato, two slices of white bread, and one red apple. I liked Chelsey quite a bit she had a good sense of humor it was easy to joke around with her she laughed at all my jokes made me feel person it was nothing like talking with other people. It wasn't just that she was nice she expressed the emotions I couldn't like when we went for a walk we found this little furry animal something like a cross between a squirrel and a ferret and of course we helped but there was something different about the way she handled it, so softly makes me feel like a robot I know what to do and how to do it but i'm just moving through the steps like following a procedure, like a robot on auto pilot.