June 1st, 1996- A Day After Death

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I woke with a start. I was in the dark with only sun shining through a small barred window. There was a door but it was locked from the outside. The moon started to rise. I was on all fours in seconds. I was so confused. My senses became a lot stronger. I used this to my advantage and started sniffing around. I smelt a familiar scent. It smelled sort of like a fox but had some perfume mixed in too. Kornillia!

"Kornillia?" I question.

"Cathirina?" she wonders.

"Yeah it's me. I see you I'm coming to you now." I run over to her. Gently putting my paw on her shoulder. I feel her shiver.

"Where is everyone else?" she asks.

I look around and see what looks to be Jax, my boyfriend.

"JAX?" I run over and it's him alright.

"Cath?" he says groggily.

"Yes it's me."

"Where are we and what are you?"


"Where are we?"

"In some sort of building."

Then the door opens and--


"Yea. It's me guys."

"Why are we in here?"

"Cat you attacked a person and they died."

"What?" Jax yells.

Then I heard more feet.

"Everyone is here Cat. Everyone who 'died' is here."

"That means--"

"Cathy?" It's Kaine.

"Kaine?" I say annoyed.


"Ugggg," Jax says under his breath.

I shoulder him in the side.He grunts. I sit next to him and stare at everyone. All the sudden I feel hands come around my shoulders and jump. Emmet!!!

"Emmet!!!!! Don't do that I could bite you!!!"

Jax touches my shoulder and I calm down enough that I go back to me human form. (Sometimes we don't have a choice and transform but most of the time it's because of our emotions)

"Thank's Jax," I smirked.

"Cath!!" He turns into his snake form and jumps on me which causes me to transform, again. We wrestle around for a bit till he's finally on his back and he transforms back to his human form. He tickles my sides and transforms back.(Yeah yeah I'm a ticklish werewolf.) Once I'm in my human form he knocks me off and pushes me hands above my head and kisses me.

"Get a room." Kaena says.

Kate runs around us in her cheetah form and causes Jax to get off.

"Alpha?" Kate says. "What do w--?

"What did you just call me?" I ask.


"Umm I'm not--"

"You have always been to us. Right guys?"

"Yup," everyone perks up.


"Nope, no buts. You're alpha. That's why you are the werewolf."

"Grr," I then sense a hand coming towards my head and spin around grab their arm and flip the person. "Emmet?! I'm sorry!"

"I'm fine," he grunts.

"You have a deadly instinct now, Cat," Kaine says.

"Kaine shut up." Kate says.

"Let's get out of here." I say.

We get to an abandoned lodge and stay there.

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