I Never Should Have Left You- Chapter 14: The Search

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Hello! I'm back! Ha ha ha... You thought that the book was over! NOPE! I've always got a trick up my sleeve :).

Onwards! Chapter 14!

I Never Should Have Left You- Chapter 14: The Search

"So, Fern, you think that Maddie's been kidnapped. Well, obviously, I wasn't there before, but it seems rather farfetched."

Clemont finished his sentence, before bringing a hand up to his chin in thought. Ash and Fern had returned to the hospital, and informed everyone about Maddie's disappearance. The rest of Maddie's family was there. Jasmine and Eddie were holding hands, both with a huge expression of worry on her face. Fern and Jay were checking their phones every few seconds, then shaking their heads. Kai, Pearl and Bonnie were all crying, hugging nearby Pokémon. Clemont was looking thoughtful, while trying to comfort the younger members of the party. Serena was biting her lip, holding her blue ribbon tightly.

It had been a couple of hours, and no one had seen Maddie. They had been forced to accept the worst. As Jay said, Maddie knew that everyone would worry, she wouldn't go off for that long without telling people where she was going.

Ash stood up suddenly. His skin felt electric, he felt adrenaline surging through him. "Look. Maddie's a friend to all of us. We have to find her. Jay, Fern, if you guys have done it alone once, then why not all of us now?"

Fern smiled, before standing next to Ash. "He's right. Maddie's a friend and sister. We're not just going to abandon her. Anyway, what's the good in talking about it here for hours. Talking isn't going to bring her back. Let's do something about it."

"Lit! Litleo!"


"Dar, Darmanitan!"
"Rapi, Dash, Dash!"


Ash grinned at the fire types. "Let's do this!"

After saying goodbye to Serena, assuring her that the next time they visited her, Maddie would be with them, Ash and the others were walking down Lumiose City's streets. Pearl had said that the best place to start would to be ask if anyone had seen Maddie recently. Everyone had agreed to this, before splitting up to cover more ground.

"Okay... Thanks."

Ash turned away sadly, after a woman had informed him that she had not seen anything. He sighed. This was gonna be tough.


Ash turned, and his eyes widened. Serena was running towards him, shakily, using Sylveon as support, but with a determined gleam in her eyes. "I'm gonna help you! Maddie's my friend too!"

"But Serena- "

"No buts! Come on, Ash, you know I can help. Look, I promise to stay out of danger, so please! Braixen, Pancham and Sylveon want to as well!"




Ash stared blankly at the Kalosian girl, before taking her hand. A flush of red flew to Serena's cheeks, but she didn't break her eye contact.

"Okay. But, Serena, promise me that if anything dangerous comes up, you'll stay away. I... You can't..."

Ash cho ked, and his auburn eyes glazed over. Serena saw, and squeezed his hand in a gesture of comfort. Ash gave her a watery smile, before leading her back to the place that everyone said they would meet.

"Serena? What are you doing here? It's dangerous!"

Bonnie pouted at her 'older sister' before glaring at Ash. "You shouldn't let her!"

Serena smiled playfully at the younger girl; "Come on, Bonnie, we all know that you want me here."
Bonnie stuck out her tongue, before her face broke into a grin, and she took Serena's hand. "Alright then!"
"So, no luck with anyone then?" asked Jasmine, her face looking despondent.

Ash shook his head. "Nothing. I even dropped in on Officer Jenny, she hasn't seen anything."

Eddie shook his head; "Same here."

Serena stepped forward. "Maybe they took her to the forest. Seems a good place to hide someone."

Ash nodded; "That's a good idea. Let's go."

Everyone began heading forward to the forest. First Fern, Kai and Clemont, all talking earnestly together. Jasmine, Jay and Pearl followed, the latter trying to cheer the older members of her family up. Bonnie, Eddie and the whole party of Pokémon followed on after. Lastly, Ash and Serena brought up the rear, neither breaking eye contact.

"Hey, Serena?"

Serena smiled at her childhood friend. "Uh huh?"

"I'm glad I met you. That day in the forest. I honestly don't know where I would be without you."
Serena's eyes lit up. "Me too."

Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed this little twist...

Peace out, girl scouts


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