I Never Should Have Left You- Chapter 31: And The Winner Is...

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A cliffhanger? Oh, I'm so mad! SO MAD! So mad, that I'll- oh, a new chapter? Why didn't you so? Let's go!

I Never Should Have left You- Chapter 31: And The Winner Is...

"Performer Serena!"

Serena's eyes opened. The crowd was cheering so loudly, Serena thought her eardrums might burst. Braixen was jumping up and down, her usual composure completely gone. Pancham was breakdancing in excitement, and Sylveon's feelers were twirling every which way, a sure sign the fairy type was excited. The actual Performer, on the other hand, didn't move. She was shaking slightly, but her mind was alive and jumpy with thoughts. Her? She... Was now Kalos Queen... Her long, awaited dream had finally come true.

"Congratulations to our challenger, who has managed to dethrone Performer Aria from the throne! She held onto it for four long years, but a new Queen has now been crowned! Klefki, her tiara, if you will!"


The tiara was placed onto Serena's head, and as soon as the metal came into contact with her, Serena's senses suddenly snapped into life.

"Braixen, Pancham, Sylveon! We did it!"

"Braixen, Braix!"

"Cham, Cham, Pan!"

"Sylveon! Veon!"

Aria came over, smiling well, for someone who had just lost; "Serena, you deserved this. I can't go on being Kalos Queen forever. Kalos needs a new Queen, and I think you're exactly the right person."




Serena's eyes shimmered. "Thank you, Aria! You've been such an amazing role model for me, and I would never be here without you."

The audience roared at the two Performers. The cheers erupted, so loud that Serena had to fight not to cover her ears. Then she stepped forward, and the audience fell quiet.

"I'm so, so grateful that you chose me to be your new Kalos Queen. I promise that I will not let you down."

More cheers.

"But, it does make me sad to think that half of the Performers that got here, didn't get to perform for you. We don't perform for the fame, or the glory. We perform, because we love it, and we all love to see you loving it. So, I want Miette, Luna and Lilliana to all perform for you. Come on, girls!"

The three Performers emerged from the shadows, looking so thrilled that Serena was giving them the chance to perform for the crowd. After discussing things in low voices, Serena looked back up at the crowd.

"Lilliana will begin, followed by Luna, and lastly Miette!"

Chloe smiled; "Spoken like a true Kalos Queen."

No one heard her. They were all too excited.

"She's done it, she's done it, she's done it!"

Bonnie squirmed around so much, people behind them started to look around at them. Clemont placed a hand on his younger sister; "Bonnie, please! We're all excited, but you need to calm down a bit, you're attracting a lot of unwanted attention to us!"

"Calm down? Attention? Please, I couldn't sit still even if I wanted too!"


Clemont just sighed, and stopped trying to restrain her. Maddie laughed, but Ash remained silent, his eyes fixed on the stage. Serena was now standing off to the side, and Lilliana was just getting ready, but even though she wasn't the center of the stage anymore, Ash couldn't take his eyes off her. 

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