.:.PART TWO.:.

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School was the same as it always was; Me and Zoe spent the whole day together outside of classes, trying to make the boring school day fly past quicker. My teachers of course gave us more homework than physically possible and everyone was as painfully annoying as always.

Although school was a drag, i do appreciate that it gets me out of the house for a while, Somewhere i can spend time with Zoe and my other friends, where i don't have to listen to my mother's squeaky voice complain and moan about something new each day.

Speaking of Which, this whole wedding buisness is getting on my nerves; it's not unlike my mother to forget my existence and spend all her time on her husband, but usually her husbands are at least half decent.

Her current fiancé, Hugh, however is a complete arrogant asshole. He's hardly spoken to me since i met him, and when he does it's either because he wants something or to correct what I'm doing; not to mention he's a real creep. At least his son isn't a complete asshole, he must have taken after his mother.

Running my hand through my light blonde hair, I sigh and look up at Zoe's sleeping body taking up almost the whole of my bed. Her limbs were stretched out over it like a lion and her face was buried in a swamp of her own murky brown hair. I roll my eyes and sit up from my small corner, my feet touching the cold wooden floor as i slip out of bed.

The guest bedrooms aren't furnished yet. I guess I'll go sleep on the sofa then.

Tiptoeing to my door, i grab my phone from my bed side table and exit. The white wooden door swayed shut with a soft noise, clicking behind me. I bite down on my tongue as i feel the sudden urge to gag at the sound of high pitched giggling coming from Noah's room. Heather's squeaky voice echoing around the small hall space between our doors.

I didn't even know she was here.

The large white sofa sprung as i leapt onto it, pulling the matching throw blanket over me and cuddling into the soft material. I hardly took up any space on the gigantic sofa, curling myself to fit into the corner, I try to send myself into a deep sleep, squinting my eyes and relaxing my body.

"I'm just saying it's gonna happen at one point-not right now-just-Urgh stop leaving!" Noah's urgent, panicked rambling crashed around the large marble-themed Living-room, his fast footsteps pounding behind Heather's. They seemed not to notice my presence on the sofa as I watched the scene play out, so I sat up and watched in amusement.

"No Noah!" Heather span to face him, sending Noah to almost crash into her; Holding his hands up almost in defence and trip over his own feet. I tried to stifle back my laughter, not wanting to be caught in between this lover's quarrel...as well as being way too entertained to stop it.
"Leave me alone." She finished, before strutting like an angry toddler towards the large double doors, her nose stuck into the air like it was being held up by a string. Noah stopped attempting to talk and let her leave, giving her time to chill out.

"Woah dude, what'd you do?" I couldn't help myself from becoming curious as Noah jumped out of his skin in shock. He put his hand over his heart and glared at me through his black rimmed glasses, swearing under his breath.
"None of your business Ari." He grumbles before galumphing towards the kitchen.

Raising my eyebrow questionably behind him at the sudden nickname, I follow him into the large white room; leaning against the kitchen island as he retrieves a bottle of water from the fridge.
"C'mon tell me." I whine, dragging out the 'e' like a toddler and suppressing the need to smile as I hear him groan.
"What are the chances of you shutting up till you get your way?" He asked, squinting critically at me as he stood holding the chilled bottle. I hum in fake thought, looking up to a corner of the room.
"Slim to none." Noah sighs, giving up as he leans his back against the kitchen counter, suddenly becoming fascinated with the bottle lid in his hands.

Letting out a deep sigh, he opened his mouth and shrugged his shoulders; as if to show confusion.
"Well we were just talking and I decided it would be a good time to mention that we're going to different Universities next year." He paused, hinting that he wanted me to fill in the blanks. I raised my eyebrow at him and gave a dumbfounded expression; wanting him to continue.
"I'm not a mindreader, genius." Noah huffed, his eyes becoming focused on the wall behind me as he ignored my sarcasm.
"Well she thought that meant that I was dumping her."
"And you weren't?"
"Then why would you say that?" Noah shook his head and looked at the floor.
"I don't know, I just thought it was a good time to mention it; I had to at some point!" Letting out a groan, his shoulders slump and he puts all his weight against the island.

"Look, I really couldn't give less of a damn about your relationship failing because, to be honest even a dork like you can do way better. But just think; if you do stay together how's it gonna work, is it even worth the hassle?" I cross my arms and look questioningly at him, waiting for an answer, but what I got next wasn't as expected.
"You're a bitch, you know that?"
Noah's face grows angry, taking me by surprise, stepping back from the island. My mouth was agape in shock,

I must've really hit a nerve damn.

"Look just because you're too immature to know about this stuff, doesn't give you the right to try and criticise my relationship and my girlfriend." Noah pauses, looking at me, for a moment I think I see him regret what he said, but he quickly changes his stance.

"Just trying to help, douche." I whisper, still shocked by his sudden outburst. Before he can answer i storm out of the kitchen and into the living room, laying down and letting the light from the still lit fireplace calm me. Noah's footsteps slowly leave the kitchen and I hear him pause by the doorway, before moving out to the entrance and going up the large staircase.

I swear I could kill him right now. I'm not a bitch, It was the truth. I was just trying to help, I didn't even say anything wrong!
I feel a single tear slip out of the corner of my eye and onto the soft cushion. I'm not upset just...angry. Really really, insanely angry with Noah. Not that his words didn't hurt, they did. But it's not my fault he's an idiot who can't keep a girlfriend.

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