♥ {1} ♥ He's a Father, a Werewolf, and Poor. She's None of the Above.

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Chapter 1

"Daddy, I'm hungi," Hunter complained again. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair, pulling him into my lap. My poor boy was sick and sweating. He had a fever, but I didn't have enough money to spend to buy him any good medicine, or take him to the hospital. Any money we did have was spent to buy food. I kissed the top of my son's head and held him tightly to me.

There was nothing I could do about this either. I can't hold down a job, because I never finished school. I was forced to drop out when I got Hunter's mother pregnant, my parent's kicked me out of the pack, and since I never finished High School, I don't have any degree or anything. They don't want to hire me. I'm nothing.

I'm also a werewolf. You'd think I'd be rich and have a pack, but I don't. My father is the Alpha of the pack I used to be in, and my mother is the female Alpha. I was next in line for Alpha, until I got a rogue female werewolf pregnant. I had loved her so much, but apparently she was only using me so she would have the safety of a pack. They killed her right after she had the baby, because they didn't want to seem like they were cruel, killing a pregnant woman.

As soon as Hunter was born, I snatched him up and ran to my apartment, having a nanny help me take care of him for the longest of times. Which was only a few weeks. At the time, I had money because of the pack, but my father kicked me out for doing something so juvenile and naïve, and I didn't have money anymore. I was probably fourteen years old when Hunter was born, and I'm nineteen, meaning Hunter is five.

I cradled Hunter in my arms and pulled him close to my face. Losing my pack and being poor was worth it to have the brilliant son I have now. He's everything I'd ever imagined, and he looks like a spitting image of me. I'm glad he looked nothing like his mother. I don't think I would have been able to stand it if I saw some of the retched woman in his features.

Hunter whimpered slightly and started coughing. My face immediately turned to worry, all thoughts gone. I was focused on my son, now. I shuffled him around slightly and stroked his face, his gaunt cheeks, ashy pale skin. I set him back down in my lap and checked how much money I had in my wallet. Just enough for a small McDonald's meal for Hunter, and maybe some medicine.

Now, you'd think I would be able to just send him hunting and we could just eat animal meat, but Hunter hasn't shifted yet. He won't until he's at least ten, five years from now. And I don't have heat in my apartment, since it got cut off. My electricity too, and my water. Basically, it was just nothing but furniture. I tried selling the furniture for money, but no one would take it.

I grabbed Hunter's coat and pulled it on him after shoving my wallet back into my pocket, pulling on his beaten up shoes, and picked him up. We had been sitting on the floor, staring at a pack of cards for the past hour, bored out of our minds. And every minute I didn't get medicine or food in his body, the more sick he got. I was getting sick myself. My cheeks were really sunken in, I had bags under my eyes and they looked bruised, I looked like a hobo. We both did. There wasn't anything I could do about it, though. I had no money, I had no job, I had no pack.

I grabbed the key to my apartment and walked out of it, shutting and locking the door behind me. I had to walk everywhere I needed to go, too. No riding in fancy expensive cars for me. And I lived in Los Angeles, California. Of course everyone has expensive cars.

I lifted Hunter slightly, so my arms were resting underneath of his butt and his head was on my shoulder, walking down the street to the nearest McDonald's, which was pretty much half a mile away. Anything for Hunter, though. If I could, I would sell my own body for Hunter. And if he weren't a werewolf, or wanted by the pack I used to be in, I would have given him up for adoption after he was born, as much as it would have killed me. It would have been right, but he was all of the above. There was no way I was about to let him out of my sight, not even for a second.

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