Chapter Eleven

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Andromeda remembered exactly where to go that night. And she'd found a way to get to Vincent's with hardly any notice. She pinned her hair back, and wore a cap that would cover the top of her head. With utmost secrecy, she had her maid bind her breasts, wore a dark brown button-down shirt, a vest, and black breeches. Andromeda couldn't help but smile, wondering what Vincent would think of her dressed as a boy. She had never dressed in men's clothing before and found it strange, but fun at the same time. Andromeda was surprised that she had so much freedom of movement in the ensemble.

Andromeda walked to the place beneath the window Vincent had indicated. She could climb the wall, but she looked around to see if there was another way up the wall. A trellis grew up the wall. She took hold of it, about to start the climb, then thought of the men who were on watch. Better not to take a chance at falling and getting caught. As quietly as possible, Andromeda started toward the window. The wall was rough and she scraped her hands a little, but nothing worse. The wind that blew as she climbed was cold and howled as if to mourn the fact that there would be a battle the next day.

Vincent heard soft patters coming closer and closer to the window and knew Andromeda was arriving. His body and heart ached to see her again. He had arranged a small picnic for them, remembering the first picnic they had had together. He couldn't believe that it had only been just the day before. True, they never had a necessity for any real food, but the occasional piece of cheese or meat wouldn't harm anyone. Vincent grinned, knowing Andromeda would appreciate and enjoy the gesture. She seemed like the kind who had always enjoyed picnics. He quickly went to the bedchamber door and closed it quietly. Pressing his ear to the door, Vincent listened as Andromeda landed on the floor, and listened to her footfalls as she walked toward the bed. Everything was silent for a minute or two, which meant that she had noticed the picnic on the bed. Vincent slowly opened the door, and drank in the sight before him.

Even from what he could see of her figure, Andromeda was a vision of beauty. Her willowy figure stood still as a statue, her hands might have been folded in front of her, her black hair flowing in wavy tresses like a waterfall down her back. Vincent stepped up behind her and placed his hands over her eyes as she had once done to him. The memory made him want to giggle, but that would ruin the surprise.

"Guess who." He whispered, nipping at her ear.

Andromeda's musical giggle was his answer. She turned to face him, and pecked him on the cheek.

"What's with the getup?" He asked with a smirk.

"It's the fastest thing I could think of. You like it?" She held her hands away from her sides and turned around. Vincent, watching her, his arms folded across his chest; wanted nothing more than to take her into his arms.

"You're adorable." He concluded.

"You really think so?"

"I wouldn't say so if I didn't mean it."

They sat on the bed, and he poured red liquid into wine glasses, passing one to her

"I don't know when you last fed, so I thought a little of this would help."

"Thank you." Andromeda took the glass, and lightly sipped the blood.

"The picnic here was a lovely idea, Vincent," she gestured to the array of food in front of them. "I really do enjoy picnics. One of my favorite things to do as a child."

"I thought you would like this." He took a piece of bread, and placed a slice of cheese on top of it.

"Open up." He held the bread and cheese in front of her. Smiling, Andromeda leaned forward, mouth open, and he popped them in her mouth. Andromeda picked up a piece of salami and fed it to him. They looked at each other for a moment, not saying a word.

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