a d m i t t i n g (ii)

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 Alex's day was full of strange surprises. He left the kitchen after a brief hug confirming everything was alright with Charlie. It was getting late and he was ready for the day to end.

He didn't expect the hand that grabbed his wrist when he'd walked out the doorway. He especially didn't expect the face that the hand was connected to. Questions ran through his head, none of which he voiced, adrenaline made him follow.

 He didn't expect the hand to pull him out towards the garden and he didn't expect the tight grip on his wrist to loosen and slip into his hand. He did expect to love the feeling of their intertwined fingers hitting the cold air as they raced out the back door together and headed for the empty shed. His mind was fogged with confusion and he longed to see the other boy's eyes to get some sort of read on the situation. But Ryan was always a step ahead, tugging slightly to guide Alex to the destination, never looking back.

 Their footsteps sounded out loudly, hitting the concrete in rhythm. Their breathing was heavy. No other sounds were heard. The sun was rapidly setting, leaving only a faint light. The garden was empty, thankfully all the others were watching some animated film inside.

 He should have expected to be plunged into darkness when the shed door was shut hastily behind them, that's just how things worked, but his brain wasn't completely caught up with what was going on. He felt giddy, filled with so many different feelings he didn't know how to identify. His breath fell in short, sharp puffs and he could hear Ryan's doing the same beside him. It was comforting.

 Slowly, his eyes started to adjust in the darkness and he could see the fuzzy outline of Ryan's physique. He didn't know why he wasn't saying anything, this wasn't a normal occurrence as much he wanted it to be, but he didn't want to ruin the moment with speaking.

 Ryan's hand fumbled for the switch to turn on the string of fairy lights Candi-Rose had strung up in an attempt to make this place cosier. The shed was illuminated slightly, a yellow glow settling over them. Alex could finally see into Ryan's eyes; the deep chocolate brown shone bright, making the boy seem happy. Alex didn't expect to feel his heart soar when he noticed this fact.

  And he definitely didn't expect the kiss.

 Their fingers were still tangled. It felt correct, like they were made to be that way. Their faces were so close that their breath mingled until they weren't sure whose was whose.

 He didn't expect Ryan's lips to be this soft. 

 He had always imagined them to be rough and chapped. This was better. He could never have imagined how perfectly their lips contoured into shape. Or how completely natural this felt.

 Ryan's free hand found Alex's face, his thumb gliding over the boy's cheekbone. Alex's hand went to Ryan's waist, needing more contact.

 He didn't expect Ryan to want this. He'd never thought that his feelings could be mutual but now he could think of multiple instances where there had been signs.

 Ryan had wanted this for a while. He had tried to deny it at first; he couldn't really have feelings for the boy he was always sparring with, could he? He gave in when it was apparent that the feelings weren't leaving any time soon. All he needed was confirmation and, thanks to Charlie, he'd gotten it today. That Valentines card was secretly a blessing.

 Ryan's lips started to pull away, he needed air, and Alex's whimper from the loss was just another unexpected reaction. It made Ryan's mouth morph into a smirk.

 "So, you like me?" Ryan's voice was hushed. He wasn't sure if anyone would be able to hear them from here and he didn't want to give anyone the chance of ruining this by running to the others.

 "You heard everything?" Even as Alex muttered it he knew he must of. Why else would they be here?

 Ryan nodded, a mischievous glint present in his eyes.

 "Yeah." Alex breathed in reply to the first question. "I do."

 There was only a couple of seconds for Ryan to wonder why this perfect boy in front of him would like him in that way, or any way, before Alex pulled him closer and their lips crashed together once again. This kiss was heated and desperate and everything the both of them needed.

 "I like you too." Ryan whispered into Alex's mouth. It made is heart rate increase just a little more; admitting to something that made him vulnerable. He wasn't supposed to do stuff like that, he was supposed to protect himself, but he couldn't help it.

 They never wanted this moment to end. The only thing that made them leave the shed was the comfort of knowing it would happen again.

 Alex didn't expect to end up with Ryan Reeves on Valentine's Day. But he couldn't be more happy that he did.



i didn't think i'd write this so soon (or at all) but then i started writing at 1am, which probably explains some things, and this happened sooo... hope you enjoyed!

K x

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