Well Done Hazza

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Amber's P.O.V

When I arrived to the skater park the first I saw was some brown curls standing in the middle of the park. And guess who it was! Harry 'freaking' Styles! Not again! This is the forth time I'm seeing him here. What is he even doing here?! He doesn't have a skate board, he is just standing there with his band mate - Liam I think his name is - and staring at me. Creepy!  

I took my skate board under my arm and walked over to my friend Nick.  

"Hey Amber!"

"Hi Nick!"

Nick is my best friend. We've known each other for almost 10 years now. He is the most funny guy I've ever known. It's always Amber and Nick and Nick and Amber. 

"You know that that guy Harry is staring at us right?" he asked me.

"Omg really?! Harry STYLES? Is he here? Like right now? I didn't know that" I said sarcastic.

"Just saying. But do you wanna go skating?" Nick asked " I think Tim is comming later"

Tim is my other good friend. But he's a little weird. He's drunk most of the time. But he's a fun guy.

"Yeah sure, let's show those kids how you skate!"

Harry's P.O.V

She's so pretty. The way her hair is flicking when she is skating. Gosh I could look at her all day. But I don't think Liam agre.

"EARTH TO HARRY!" Liam yelled.

"Dude calm down! You don't have to yell." I said and gave him my best dead glare.

"Only way to come in contact with you" Liam mumbled.

Note to myself: Next time I bring Niall. I'll just give him some food to keep his month shut.

"Harryyy is in looove!" Liam sang with a very girly voice. Argh Liam is way to much!

"No I'm not, I don't even know her! Maybe she's an evil bitc..." I said but was cut of by someone that coughed behind me. Crap, it was Amber.  

I asked a guy what her name is, now I feel like a genius! Mhu-hahaha! Okay back to reality.

"Yeah I know, I'm such a bitch.". Amber said. " But nevermind, do you guys skate or are you both gays that are looking for a hot skater boyfriend? " haha no a hot skater girlfriend.

"We are skaters, we can sing and skate!" I said. Stupid Hazza! Why did you say that?

"Oh that's fascinating! You can do both? Really? Are you sure?" Amber asked us.

"Yes, but we forgot our skate boards at home." Well done Hazza now you don't have to show her your really bad skating skills.

Amber's P.O.V

Do he really thinks that I believe him? 'We forgot our skate boards at home'. Next joke please.  

That other guy Liam looks kind of neveous. They can't skate, I can see it in Liam's face. But I wanna have a little fun with them.

"Okay, but then you can bring them tomorrow and show me your skating skills then."

"Yeah sure! Right Liam? We will get our skate boards and show her what we can. Tomorrow." Harry said to Liam. Liam's face was priceless. He was completely shocked. This is gonna be fun I can't wait untill tomorrow.

The Skater Girl - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now