5; A n a r a n j a d o

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"Don't settle for a relationship that won't let you be yourself."

Eddie and Richie walked all the way to Eddie's house giggling and smiling at each other as per usual. Richie was the first one to strike up an actual conversation. 

"So, you said you saw color and so did I but, who is it?" Richie asked in a serious tone very different from the usual joking Richie

Eddie gulped searching for an answer, there was no way he could tell him just yet. 

"I could ask you the same question," Eddie said matter-a-factly

"Well, I asked you first smart ass," Richie said punching Eddie's shoulder jokingly. 

'you' Eddie said under his breath and Richie could have sworn he almost heard it. 

"What was that Eds?" Richie asked hopefully. 

"n-nothing!" Eddie yelped hoping Richie would just forget about it. 

"whatever you say Eddie Spaghetti," Richie said and Eddie smiled at the nickname. 

The two teens had arrived at Eddie's house and they both walked up to the door before Eddie stopped half way and Richie gave him a confused look. 

"Can you wait over there? My mom won't let me go if she sees you," Eddie said saying the last bit in a hushed voice.

"what? why?" Richie said in an annoyed tone. 

"She thinks my only good friend is Bill she doesn't like any of my other friends because she thinks they're bad influences," Eddie explained and Richie rolled his eyes. 

"anything for you Eds," Richie said as he walked away from the house and waited for Eddie to finish asking his mom. 

Eddie walked up to the front door and let himself in but his mother wasn't home his father was. 

"M-mom?" Eddie asked in a timorous tone (sOmE OnE kNoWs ThEiR vOcAb wOrDsSsS)

"Your mother isn't home, what do you want?" Eddie's father asked sternly. 

"I was going to go to the library with Bill, I'll be home by 9:30 is that ok?" Eddie asked as confidently as he could. 

"as long as it's just Bill and finish all your homework. And you might want to stop hanging out with that Richie kid you're starting to look like a faggot." Eddie's father said raising his voice ever so slightly. 

"what's wrong with that?" after the words left his mouth, Eddie, immediately regretted his decision. 

Eddie's father got up and slapped Eddie straight across the face. 

"No son of mine will be a fucking faggot, get out of my house." He said as he spit on Eddie's face.

Eddie got up and ran out of the house wiping of the small drop of saliva off his face. 

Tears clouded Eddie's vision as he saw Richie and ran to him with open arms. 

Richie looked horrified as he saw Eddie crying and run into his chest. Richie wrapped his arms around him and whispered in his ears trying to calm him down. 

Color ★ ReddieWhere stories live. Discover now