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Dear Sunflower,
       I know it has been a long time. I've grown very much in the forest the past years, and very ambitious to see the skies. How are you? I haven't heard from you in a long time. I've been struggling without your distorted smile of yellow petals. The way your brown eyes lit up to the sun shining through my leaves. If I wasn't banned from seeing you, I would be blowing towards your direction. I wouldn't be stuck in this darkness without you. Get back to me when you can.

                                    Your love,
My sappy tears drip on the last word of my letter on my fallen leaf. Yellow, just like her petals.

We are forbidden, and I can't take it.

I let myself out of my body, and follow the lead I had let fall off of me.

Will she be excited to see me? I don't know.

The excitement in my soul flows with the wind as I follow the leaf to her. Until, I find her.

Her petals were wilted. Fallen. Like she was never there. Her last petal, brightly yellow, falls into the brown grass.

Sunflower, is gone.

And now, I must go too, to the place I have to call home.

My Sunflower, my love.

Home, is never where I am without you.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2018 ⏰

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