32: Mewing Quim

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Once you've finished reading this OS, you will understand why I called it this (thanks for @HiddlesGirl97 for coming up with the spontanous name on the spot) XD

Sorry that it's taken me a while to update TMFOT - collage/social life/other stories have kinda prevented me from doing so. But since it's almost summer, I should be able to update more frequently!

You were woken to the sounds of squeals and excitable giggling.

"Mummy! Daddy! Wake up! Wake up!" Lucy laughed as she began clambering on you both.

"Lucy..." you yawned, blinking sleepily as your daughter crawled underneath the covers. She popped her face in front of yours, tuffs of blonde hair standing on end. She had a grin stretching from ear to ear. Tom mumbled something before turning over, his arm lying across you.

"Guess what today is mummy?" Lucy said.

You pretended to ponder for a moment, tapping your finger to your chin thoughtfully.

"Hmm, I don't know..."

"Mummy! You know what today is!" Lucy giggled.

"Do I? It must have slipped my mind..."

"Mummy!" Lucy whined and you laughed softly.

"Go on then - tell me what today is."

"Today we are getting kittens!"  Lucy announced.

Since Lucy had been told that she was going to receive kittens, she hadn't stopped thinking or talking about them. You and Tom often had to calm her down because she would become too excitable. Today however, there would be no escaping it. You kissed Lucy on the forehead and told her to get dressed and wait for her breakfast. She was already running out of the room.

"Darling," you murmured inside Tom's ear, shaking him gently awake.

Tom opened his eyes and his gaze trickled over yours. His face broke into a smile - his eyes creasing at the corners as they did. You lowered your face over his and kissed him softly on the mouth.

"Lucy came in moments ago," you told Tom. "She was 'reminding us' that we are getting kittens today."

"Oh god," he chuckled through his nose.  He sat up and the sheets fell away from his body. You couldn't help but steal a glimpse at his beautiful and flawless physic.

"I'd better try and calm her down - again," he rolled his eyes and laughed softly.

"You may also need to put some clothes on sweetie." You bite your lip as you said this and looked him quickly up and down. Tom laughed, despite wearing his briefs he slipped a sheet around his body, dignifying himself. He then left you alone in the bedroom and moments later you also decided to get up.


Lucy peered into each individual penthouse, holding out her fingers as she encouraged a curious kitten to sniff her hand. You crouched beside Lucy and watched as she did this.

"Have you seen any that you like?" you asked.

"Not yet," she answered as she tickled one underneath the chin. "I need to find the perfect kittens."

Its owner guided you through the rest of the Cattery and Lucy had yet to decide which ones she wanted to take home. She peered into one - and stopped. There was a litter of kittens but two seemed to stand out altogether. They were playfully fighting one another. The first had fur that was entirely black and eyes that appeared to have a mischievous green edge towards them. Eyes, to your amusement, that were too familiar for your own good. The other kitten had pale orange fur and blue eyes that were almost too big for its small round face. According to the written information on the side, they were brothers and the rest of the litter were their sisters. Lucy watched silently for several minutes with her palms pressed up against the glass as they played.

"Can we please have these two mummy? They are perfect," Lucy breathed.


The kittens investigated their new home, sniffing with their pink button noses as they did.

"You still need to give them names," Tom told Lucy, watching her as she dangled a piece of chord in front of the black kitten's face. Tom had always been more into dogs than cats, yet he was already warming to the two new furry additions of the Hiddleston family and was scratching the belly of the orange kitten. It had rolled over and was now purring with content underneath Tom's hand.

"I already know what I'm calling them," Lucy said. "It was easy to find names for them because they look so much like them."

"Like who?"

Lucy gave him a look that only seven - year - olds could. Tom acknowledged her expression and had already began laughing. 

"Thor and Loki of course!" Lucy giggled and introduced the kittens to him. "This is Loki and the other is Thor."

"I should have realised, what with the distinguishing handsome features and mischievous personality- "

"Daddy!" Lucy giggled and rolled her eyes.

She had named them well. The two kittens behaved like the characters which their names had come from - biting one another's tails in a playful fashion and rolling around on the floor. Tom reached down and picked up Loki. The kitten squirmed and began climbing along Tom's shoulder and which he winced as his claws embedded into his shoulder.

You returned to the living room carrying a tray of drinks. You saw Lucy who was playing with Thor on the floor and Tom.

"Where's Loki?" you questioned as you placed the tray down, concerned that the mischievous kitten had already found the ability to escape.


Tom mumbled. You saw to your amusement that Loki was now perched on top of his head. You burst out laughing.

"I think Loki's taken a liking to you Tom," you grinned.

Tom pulled a face and grinned. The kitten mewed like he could understand what you were saying with a mischievous gleam to his bright green eyes.


MischiefMaker26 x

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