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I heard it all..

Wow, I never knew it was like that for him. He loved me too.

I got out of bed quietly and went to find Jimin. I just decided to check the first place that you would check at night. His bedroom.

I walked across the hall and I slightly opened his door and it didn't make a sound. I took another step in and saw him sleeping on the bed. I know I tricked him so I'm going to check if he's tricking me even though he didn't know I was awake. I just want to be sure he's actually sleeping.

I waved my hand back in forth in front of his face and he didn't flinch or move so I hope he's sleeping. I quietly went over to his desk and got a sticky note. I wrote.

To Jimin,

I heard all you said last night. I'm sorry you had to go through this. Remember I'll always love you and hopefully you will too. I've decided to give you a second chance and last chance. I forgive you but please use this chance in a good way. Don't mess up again. Get better okay? Also technically I can sleep here now since you ripped the rules. Hehe.

Love: Y/n xoxo

I placed the sticky note on his bag that he has for work.

I was getting tired so I got on the other side of the bed and fell asleep very quickly.

The next morning....

I woke up early today. I yawned and turned my head to see Jimin's arms around me. I smiled. I quietly and quickly got out of bed without waking him up. He has work today so I'm making him breakfast.

I got to the kitchen and made some scrambled eggs with yogurt and fruit. I placed plastic wrap over top of the food and got another sticky note. I wrote my note to him.


Have fun at work and no flirting with others. Tsk tsk. Hope you eat well and have a nice day!

Love: Y/n xoxo

I placed it beside the food and went back upstairs to sleep. I got in bed beside Jimin and I felt safe. I wish we could stay like this forever. He has to wake up in about 1 hour or so. I fell asleep in his arms.


Jimin POV

I woke up and ugh I have work today. I want to stay home-wait..who the heck is in my bed?

I realized it was y/n. Cute. This is what married couples are suppose to do. She was sleeping peacefully. I have her a peck of the cheek and got out of bed to get to work. I took a shower and did my morning routine. I got in my work clothes and grabbed my bag but I noticed a note. I read it.

To Jimin,

I heard all you said last night. I'm sorry you had to go through this. Remember I'll always love you and hopefully you will too. I've decided to give you a second chance and last chance. I forgive you but please use this chance in a good way. Don't mess up again. Get better okay? Also technically I can sleep here now since you ripped the rules. Hehe.

Love: Y/n xoxo

I was surprised and happy while reading this. She heard it all. That sneaky girl. She wasn't asleep. And she's giving me a second chance and I'm glad I can be happy now. I laughed at the end. She was right. She can sleep here because I did rip up the paper of rules.

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