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I was watching T.V until....


I jump and fall off the couch from Y/n screaming. What the hell does she ne-


Oh lord have mercy. I run up the stairs to find Y/n panting while holding her stomach on the floor.

Jimin: What happened?!
Y/n: My water b-broke.

She said while breathing heavily.


I grab her and carry her to the car, geez she has gotten heavy. Wait what am I doing again? Right! Hospital!
I put her in the car and do her seatbelt. I run to the drivers seat and speed to the hospital.

Once we arrive I carry her in and tell a nurse that she is in labour. They put her in a wheelchair and bring her to a room. I walk in to see her on the hospital bed with an IV in her wrist.

Jimin: So what did they say?
Y/n: I'm starting with some contractions every few minut- ahhhhhh.

I hold her hand tight. I see the screen and says the contraction is there for 5 more seconds.

Jimin: Almost done, 5....4.....3......2.....1.

She let out a deep breath and cal,ed herself down.
Y/n: Can you get a nurse, I think these babies are coming.

I nod and go out of the room to find a nurse, I saw Y/n's nurse down the hall and she looked at me and I gestured her to come. She came and went into the room and already knew what was going to happen. She called more doctors and nurses inside to help. They set up what they needed and started helping Y/n.

Nurse: Okay we're going to start now ok? Are you ready?

Y/n nods and starts pushing.

Nurse: Okay Push 1..2...3...4....5...6...7...8....9...10. Good! Take a deep breath.

Y/n takes 3 deep breathes.

Nurse: Okay again! Push 1...2....3...4....5.....6.....7....8....9..10. Great! Baby A is so close.

Y/n looks and me and smiles and I nod to tell her to keep going.

Nurse: Okay and Push 1...2...3...4...5..6 Oh! There's Baby A. Congratulations. It's a boy!

Y/n starts tearing up while the nurses clean Baby A which is our first boy. 2 more to go!

Nurse: Okay Baby B is ready to come. Ready Push 1...2....3....4....5.....6....7....8....9...10. Good!

Y/n lays her head back for a few seconds and then starts pushing again.

Nurse: Okay again! Push 1...2....3.almost there! 4....5....6. Congratulations! It's a girl!

Y/n: Oh My goodness! I'm gonna cry. This is so amazing. 
She says while covering her face with her hands. I kiss her forehead.

The nurses clean off our baby girl and the nurse recommends to get the last baby out.

Nurse: Ready? Last Baby! Push 1...2....3.....4.....5....6....7....8....9. Congrats it's a Boy!

The nurses clean the last baby and I go straight to Y/n to give her a big hug. I embrace her and kiss her like there's no tomorrow.

Jimin: You have no idea how long I've been waiting to start a family with you.
I whisper into her ear and I see her blush.

30 Minutes later.....

We have taken the time to choose the names and here they are.

Park Insu: Baby A, Boy, 7 pounds 2 ounces.
Park Jinae: Baby B, Girl, 6 pounds 4 ounces.
Park Duho: Baby C, Boy, 4 pounds 5 ounces.

I love my family.

And there they are! The triplets are born!

unexpected • p.j.m ✔️Where stories live. Discover now