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L. A. - premiere of Freed

Jamie had met with the realtor that morning for his home in the LA area, before he had to Ellen and Kimmel, to make sure everything was set in stone with the house he had bought awhile back. He knew it was but he had to make sure everything was alright, especially when he was basically all the way moved into the spacious and large home. It was a couple of blocks away from Melanie's and Dakota's houses, and had easy access to get to and from without any notice. Well for now, seeing as the paparazzi had no clue about his whereabouts or even if he ventured this way. He had fallen in love with the home almost immediately, and was glad that once everything was over with the premieres and Universal got whatever they wanted out of them, he wouldn't have to worry about the stupid PR games anymore.  Sighing as he looked out the sliding doors, to his backyard, he only wished Amelia would make this whole thing easy and not hard. She was already demanding more attention, in the spotlight, even after the movie was dropped in theaters. The whole thing giving him an unwanted headache.

Ringing could be heard in the background, and he knew, just from the ringtone it was his PR. Only cause he had set different songs for different people. Walking over towards the island bar, he pressed the accept button, and placed them on speakerphone.

"Hey James! How's it going buddy?!"

Groaning outwardly, feeling the headache between his eyes forming, he pinched the bridge of his nose not wanting to know what was about to go down. He was beyond tired of playing this game, and yet they loved it and so did Amelia. Only because it earned them money one way or another. He thought to himself, kicking at the barstool that was against the island bar, and silently cursing at himself the next moment later.

"I'm not fucking doing it man. I have had..."

"Sorry mate, but you must. Dakota is playing her part..."

"Reluctantly I might add." He mumbled under his breathe, cause it was true. She had told him a few days previously the whole thing was bloody ridiculous and just wanted the whole thing to be over with now. Though she didn't say it as nice and calm, but had been cussing up a storm the whole time. The whole memory made him chuckle cause he knew she was beyond frustrated, just the same as he was.

"Look, you both have images to uphold..."

"Bloody hell man. I, we, have been patient for far to long. How much more of this bullshit will you put..."

"Jamie. Jamie. Jamie."

"Oh hear we go." He rattled off sarcastically, rolling his eyes just the same, as he took a glass out of the cabinet and then a bottle of wine to pour into the empty glass. He needed something, anything really, to calm his nerves. They were shot enough as is.

"Stick to the script. Play the happily married man card, and we won't have to use backup."

"Backup?" He questioned, knowing the only thing would be Amelia. No one else. She was itching to be seen out in public anyways. It was rather annoying to say the very least.

"Your wife." The man said over the line, emphasizing the word wife like it needed to be imbedded into his brain.

"I swear if this..."

"Jamie." The man said over the line in a stern voice. He could tell they were at their breaking point with him, or beyond it really.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2018 ⏰

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