43{Be My Valentine}

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3rd person pov

The 22nd went by slow, too slow and Edward still gave no leeway on his treatment toward Alexis they started to decorate the tree as a family and he nitpicked everything she did including the fact she joined at all considering she wasn't family

Harry couldn't catch Edward every time he made a remark so Alexis just took it and plastered on a smile

But Alexis did over heard a fight between Harry and his father


Alexis's pov

"I can't believe you said those things to her" Harry growled deeply

"Well I can't believe you brought her into my home" his father shot back

"I love her I assumed you could understand that but fuck was I wrong" Harry hissed

"But she's not what we look for, you want a model tall skinny quiet like your mother" his father said coldly

"Your wife is not my mother and I like Alexis because she is none of those things shes thick and outgoing she so good to me and my daughter you wouldn't believe what an amazing mother she is" Harry defended "like mine"

"You're looking for a mother figure in this? Do you have 'mummy issues' huh?" His father cut low

"You're twisting my words you bastard you aren't worthy enough to spit on the ground my mother walked on" he got angry again "she didn't know you were married... you got her pregnant don't act like you're the Saint that does no wrong"

"look Harry all I am saying IS leave your fuck buddy at home bring someone presentable in public and to your parents you want kids? fine understandable but get a surrogate not that" he had no emotion what so ever

"Alexis is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen ,some happen to be blind, but she sure as hell doesn't need you talking to her like she's one of your whores she's had a hard enough life without you to add on"

I jumped when I heard a laugh his father laughed and that caught me off guard

"Damaged goods thats what you've brought home and expect me to 'like'? Great Harry that's wonderful some tragic sob story with a pretty pink bow way to go son I'm so proud" he clapped as he spoke incredibly sarcastic

"Look you say some dumb shit to her again you'll never see me or Darcy ever again and I'll call everyone of those call girls you've 'committed' yourself to and tell them how happily married you are and publish an article about the scandals of the Valentine family"

"You wouldn't do that sales will plummet" his father finally sounded scared

"Test me Edward James I have Alexis and my daughter I've got it all you wanna ruin that for me? Then you'll find out how quickly your personal heaven can crumb into hell" He spoke sternly

"I am your father!"

"You are a blemish in my life a pesky scar like mark and I hope it eats you alive at night that my mother died you didn't help her, that you've cheated on Mary more times than you can count, and that you burn every bridge ever formed to try and help you"

It was silent I jumped when Harry stepped out the room and saw me his face twitched he was enraged but he didn't expect to see me that and he knew exactly what I had just done

He held his hand out to me and I took it

"Come on bedtime my love"

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