Chapter 8 : Rotten Yellow

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"Ava?" I said into the phone- she didn't answer.

"Av, are you still there? I'm sorry I teased you- Please answer me?" I heard nothing but dull silence in reply. I was about to hang up when I heard the sound of a man passing by.

"Well now. What have we here." His voice was gravely and gruff. I quickly changed the phone call to a facetime. Ava! Ava was unconscious on the ground, the stranger towering over her limp body. He leaned down and felt her neck for a pulse. I saw his face spread into a creepy smile, revealing his yellowing teeth. He looked around and then flashed his beady eyes back at her. He reached his meaty hand around the small of her back. I wanted to punch him. I wanted to beat him up till he could never stand again, but all I could do is sit there and watch him touch her. I felt the anger rise in me, starting at my feet until I could feel it behind my eyes. I can't explain what happened next, but I was there. Suddenly I was in Missouri with her. I pulled out the pepper spray she always keeps her front pocket and sprayed her attacker down. He held his eyes, screaming in pain as I sent him home by delivering a swift but powerful kick between the legs. He let out a string of cuss words and stood up, running back to wherever it is he came from. I was still completely confused as to how I was here, but I ran to Ava. Luckily whatever transferred me to her got me there just in time. I pulled her shirt back to cover her stomach and cradled her in my arms. She was so peaceful. I held her close to me and waited there for a minute or two until she lazily opened her eyes.

"Tansen?" she whispered- looking up at me. "Am I dreaming?"

I laughed and tears of relief came from my eyes. "No- No Ava you aren't." She looked confused.

"How are you here then? I was just on the phone with you- you were still back in-"
" I have no idea. I saw this guy try to.. Well long story short, something brought me here. I was in my living room one moment and here the next."

" Wait. Tansen- does this mean that you are- a second seeker?"

I hadn't thought about that. A second seeker was a person who was in the line of genetic royalty. They were known to have special abilities in dangerous situations or when they become really frustrated. My parents weren't second seekers though, so there is no way I could be-

"No. No no. No no no. No way."

"Tansen- There is no other explanation..."

"But Ava- that would mean that I..."

" It's possible..."

"No way." I said shocked. I quickly pulled out my phone and called my mother. It rang twice then clicked into action.


"Hey honey! Where are you? I just finished making breakfast-"

"Im in Missouri."

"You are in misery?" She sounded confused.

"No, Missouri."

"Like- the state?"


"Tansen- you were in your room on the phone with Ava fifteen min ago."

"Yeah. I think im a second seeker mom."

The phone was silent. I waited for her response but it didn't come.

"Was I adopted mom?"

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