Star City

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Yes it's safe and yes you will not die. We just need our time together, plus Oliver isn't going to be in town and he's letting us use his loft.

Where's Oliver going?

Lian Yu, he needed some time with Felicity and Thea would walk in on them but she's with Roy and staying their.

Oh so it's home away from home?

Yeah, umm-

What is it?

We programmed my chip for our Earth not Earth 1. So I need to get something from the DEO before we go, okay?

Okay. Just be quick-

Was that fast enough for you?

Yeah ready?

Ready. I used the worm hole to get us to central city but fell as soon as I tried to walk in.


Get Caitlin please.

Okay, Lena ran around the building looking for anyone. No one was their, but Barry was at work so she called him.

Barry Allen speaking.

Hey Barry it's Lena I'm at STAR labs and Kara collapsed and I can't find Caitlin, can you help?

Yeah I'll be right there.

Thank you! Bye!



Kara I couldn't find her but I called Barry and he's coming nevermind he's here.


Hey Barry, where's Caitlin?

I'll be back in a-

Don't say Flash.

I wasn't anymore.

As Barry searched for Caitlin, I just waited for five minutes.


Kara are you okay? You didn't get shot again right?

No my chip needs programming added so I can walk here.

Barry can you get her a chair?


Lena, Caitlin a word thanks Barry you can go back to Iris.

So what's up?

Felicity warned me about EMP.


I can't feel my legs again, Lena can't you program a fix?

I could if I knew where the EMP blew.

I think at my loft, here go check it out.

She was trying, it's not working Kara.


Yea it's not working!

Umm guys.

Yeah Caitlin.

We need the whole team, not just me.

No I still have to talk to you.

Kara later, get them here please.

Okay, I'm gonna call Cisco and Barry.

No need to call Cisco.


He's out cold. I landed on him.

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