Chapter Twenty Three - Claire.

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Danny POV - 

“And one by one the nights between our separated cities are joined to the night that unites us.” 

― Pablo Neruda

The wind blew across the cliffs and floated against my skin, it let me know that this wasn't a dream, that I was actually staring at Claire from a distance as she strolled across the wind burnt grass towards the main building. I was still frozen, my eye's following her every step as if I had seen this ghost. My heart was on the verge of tacky-cardiac and the pounding of it made breathing a task.

I felt Ross's hand on my shoulder "Dan are you okay?" his voice was worried as he followed my eye line. I wasn't sure if he had ever seen Claire,he knew about her but I wasn't sure if he had ever seen a picture of us together. "It''s her..Claire" I stuttered, I couldn't get the words out fast enough.  I started to run, leaving Ross's hand in mid air, my brain was no longer the one organ that decided how my body moved or what I done. It was my heart, right at this moment my heart was making the decision, I was no longer thinking all I was doing was running for my life because right now my life was walking in to the main doors of the B&B un-aware that I was here. My chest rose and fell quicker than ever as I reached the oak tree she had passed seconds before me. Reaching the main door, my eye's scanned the main hall for her. I darted towards the bar/dining area hoping to find her. I was aware of the strange looks and hushed tones that followed me,but I didn't give a shit. I needed her, I needed so much to tell her to come back and how things would be different. I had weeks to think about it all,but I wasn't sure how the hell would I get the words out. 

The dining room was empty and so was the bar, everyone seemed to have left the B&B, out for evening strolls, drives in to the town. I was now panting and I couldn't think fast enough, my heart was throwing me in all these different directions. I raced towards the front desk, a elderly woman was sitting behind the flat back desk reading a gossip magazine. My heavy breathing and abrupt presence startled her. "Oh hello" she gasped half in fright and amusement. "I need to know where Claire Murray is" I gulped, forcing my lungs to stop hyper-ventilating, if I collapsed I would be no good. The woman frowned and with hesitation she rose from her seat and turned her back to me. She returned with a large black book, flipping through the pages she scanned down "Um can I ask who you are?". Closing my eye's I tried to calm down "I am her boyfriend". The woman looked spectacle "She never mentioned a boyfriend.."  I looked at her again "We had a fight..I need to fix it". This answer didn't work "Well..if she came her maybe she would rather like to be left alone.." her tone was weiry." PLEASE! she is everything to me. There won't be a fight or anything..I just need to calmly tallk to her". The woman sighed "Room 203 . Take the lift to the second floor..turn left and it's down at the end of the hall on your right. If I hear any trouble the police will be called " she warned she sternly. I nodded and raced towards the lift. It wouldn't go quick enough for me but as soon as it landed on the second floor, I forced myself not to race to her door. Leaning at the wall, I inhaled deeply, I knew I had to approach her calmly if I was agitated it would make her nervous. 

Calmly, I walked down the yellow hall, my eye's scanning the door numbers. I reached her door and exhaled, with a shaking hand I knocked lightly on the door. Moments later I could hear her walk towards the door. Her hand on the handle, she opened the door. It felt like forever until the door opened. Her eye's met mine and she froze. I expected this reaction,she was hardly going to run in to my arms crying. "Claire" I gasped in desperation, "Please". Claire closed her eye's and backed a side to let me in. Walking in to the room, I seen how bare it was. Nothing like I was use to now, Claire stood against the wall looking at anything but me. I stood looking at her "I have so many things to say..I just ..." I sighed and rubbed my forehead "I don't know how to get it all out". She stayed silent. Claire looked up at me staying silent " What can be said..nothing". Her voice was broken, she was pale and thin, nothing like she use to be. "There is so much to be said, how can we just leave it like this?". I was more than desperate now. I was frantic and determined to fix this, if it killed me or took half my life I would. This was Dear John or The Notebook, this was our life and I would fight for it. I stood and walked slowly towards,she took a step back and looked away from me. I stopped "You know I love you..No I love you isn't even it ..your the one and only blessing in my life..your the air I breathe..your my life Claire..your  your ". She broke me off with a slight smirk.."your being incredibly cheesy..but they are all words, it's so easy to put words in to a sentence Danny. Words can me everything or absolutely nothing. And although words can fix things or ruin them, I don't think words can fix us".  I look a large step and grabbed her softly, "If words won't fix it, let actions" I whispered. I leaned down slowly and kissed her on her cheek.  Pulling her softly against my chest, I wrapped my body against her and held her in a way I never held her before. Her body was frail like a piece of thin glass she was fragile and I would see the fracture in her. I just had to be gentle and in time hopefully I could rebuild her.  

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