La Toya often feels her late brother Michael Jackson's presence in their childhood home in Encino. "It's the strangest thing because you feel something like thick around you or behind you and you're wondering—you don't see anything, but you feel a presence," she said.
She also claimed that a security guard had heard tap dancing coming from Michael's old room. "When he told me I said, 'You're kidding!' That made me want to know even more about hearing someone tap dance over a certain part of the house and I go, 'Well, Michael used to do that every Sunday for two hours.' We go up there and no one's up there—just tap dancing. And the dog barks at his room, the window, every single night at the same time. The dog doesn't even know that that's Michael's room, and the security guard didn't know."

Ghost Stories by Famous People
HorrorTerrifying Ghost Stories Told by Famous People. Yes even they have felt ghosts. To find out read the stories. Well this is also a compilation and NOT written by me. ig: deserted_queen