Chapter Twenty - Christian's POV

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~~Christian Grey~~

I was talking to mother about getting a private nurse to look after Ana here at Escala where she can be much safer with all my security watching her and the whole penthouse. When my eye caught Ana coming down the stairs looking so pale it scared me. I walked over to her. Why is she even out of bed? I saw her pale even more and I knew she's going to faint. I ran to her and all I could catch of her is her head in my hands. I don't want to live through her head injuries again. In her surgery in Georgia, the Neurosurgeon got the bleeding stopped on her brain but had to stop his operation because her brain has swollen too much and with her exposed brain we all had to wait just over a week for the swelling to go down, so the surgeon could finish his work on my sweet Ana.

It was the worst week of my entire life looking at her like that all bandaged up. I saw Steven and she really did crack her whip on him good. He had cuts all up and down his body. Some parts of his lower anatomy she whipped him so hard he was bleeding. Oh, Ana. Now looking at her in my hands she lost a lot of weight and now she's gasping for air. Mom saw this and ran for her medical supplies in Ana's room where everything where kept. Mom came back with a needle the size of my foot. I have a suspicion what she might do with that and if it will help my sweet Ana then bring it on. Mom warned Ana that it is going to hurt real bad. Ana nod her head in my hands and mom listen then went in with the needle and a rather loud pop sound was made and Ana could breathe again.

I looked over to Carla and I thought she was going to faint on us, but instead just started to cry. The stress of Ana's condition is really getting to her. I wanted to carry Ana back to her room when mom stopped me and told me that it can be bad for her broken ribs. So I helped her back up the stairs slowly and then back to her room where I tucked her in and sat with her till she fell asleep. Carla has gone to bed for the night. Mom was released by the private nurse we got for Ana. After Ana fell asleep and her nurse sat with her, I walked off to my study and worked. I called in on Ana's pleasure houses and everything was running smoothly and they wanted to know how she was doing and I can really tell they all really care for Ana very much.

When the morning came I called Roach at SIP and gave him an update on Ana and her condition and Roach just keep on saying that she'll have a position at SIP. She just has to get better first. I am so tired, I haven't really slept since I came to hear of their accident. That is more than two and half weeks ago. When I do fall asleep I dream of finding Ana dead as she's trapped underneath their car, then I would jolt awake and I can't fall asleep again. But tonight I sit with the nurse and look after Ana and she's clearly having a bad dream. She keeps on saying, "stay away from me... Stay away...". This is how she slept all night. I would wake her but because of her pain medication she would fall asleep quickly and I would have to repeat the process. Came daybreak and both the nurse and I look even twice as tired then Ana looks. Ana finally woke by herself around eight AM from a much more peaceful sleep from three AM this morning.

'Christian?' She called and my head snapped up.

'Yes, I'm right here.' I sat on the edge of the bed taking her one hand in mine.

'Come get in you look so tired. Come lay with me, please.' She asked.

'You know I would really love to Milady but even against all odds, I have to go into the office I have a few important meetings I can't reschedule again.'

'Oh, okay.' She said looking a bit disappointed.

'But I promise you, Miss Steele I will be back right after my last meeting. In the meantime get enough rest, you really haven't slept last night.' She just nods her head then look away from me.

'What is wrong baby?' I turn her head so I can see those blue eyes I love so much.

'I'm starting to feel so guilty that I'm becoming a burden to you Christian. I don't want that at all.' Tears start to build in her eyes. 

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