Milky light seeped through the branches of the den, I stepped out "Good morning" I said to Tawnyspots who was guarding the camp he nodded back to me as I went through the branches of the gorse barrier. " Dawnfur!" I turned around to see Thrushclaw padding after me "yes?" I said "where are you going?", "I am going hunting" I said "Can I join you?" he asked "yes it would be nice to have some company." I meowed, it was sunhigh by the time we returned we had caught two mice and one thrush. we got back just in time for the apprentice ceremony, I was going to get my first apprentice! "Let all cats old enough to catch your own prey join here beneath high rock for a clan meeting." most of the cats had already gathered but more came out of the dens, Jaykit, Mosskit, and Lionkit where in the center of the meeting hollow their pelts where clean, Lionkit's orange fur glowed like fire while Mosskit's looked like snow and rocks, while Jaykit's looked like a bolder."Lionkit, Jaykit, Mosskit they have been with us for six moons and it is time for them to become an apprentice Mosskit from this moment on, you will be known as Mosspaw. Dawnfur, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You will be mentor to Mosspaw, Dawnfur, you have shown yourself to be a loyal and brave warrior. Do all that you can to pass on what you know down to Mosspaw. Lionkit, from this moment on, you will be known as Lionpaw. Thrushclaw, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You will be mentor to Lionpaw. Thrushclaw, you have shown yourself to be a loyal and strong warrior. Do all that you can to pass on what you know down to Lionpaw. Jaykit, from this moment on, you will be known as Jaypaw. Willowfur, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You will be mentor to Jaypaw. Willowfur, you have shown yourself to be a loyal and smart warrior. Do all that you can to pass on what you know down to Jaypaw."
"What are we going to do today?" Mosspaw asked, three moons had passed since her ceremony, and leafbare was nearly upon us, "We are going to practice battle moves" I said "OK what are we going to practice?", she asked "We are going to practice attack and counter attack moves.", "Great" she meowed "OK attack me" I meowed she crouched down then leaped and landed on my back I leaped in the air and threw her off, after she caught her breath she went under me and thrust her legs forward I flew in the air" OK" I yowled after a few heartbeats "lets get back to camp,you can get something to eat after you clean the elders bedding and give them some fresh-kill." we walked in silence back to camp Thrushclaw padded up to her and entwined his tail with hers, we leaned ageist one another "isn't it great to finally get an apprentice."I murmured "it is" he purred,