Part 2: My Profile

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   So back to the story....As the students climbed the spacecraft to head to Earth. I immediately ran inside without anyone noticing me. Oh yeah I forgot. I didn't tell you my special power. Its Speed. I guess that was my fate. Being fast. Hmmp. It's not fair really. Everyone gets to be strong and change who they are and I'm just here like "yeah..I'm fast". Whatever....Okay, Okay off topic again I'm sorry. As I found a vacant area that was hidden from all the others, the spacecraft was about to take flight.

*1...2...3..4...5...6..7..ETC*(On this planet we say it backwards)<------~BLAST OFF!~

  The entire class all screamed at once. I,  on the other hand was in awe at the moment I've been waiting for forever. A couple seconds later, the screaming dialed down, since they were all already used to the spacecraft. The only sounds were the students "ohhh-ing and ahhhh-ing". I took out my pocket journal and started to write down everything I saw. The stars, the other planets, the asteroid belt. Everything. Jupiter is the 588 million kilometers away from Earth so it was a bit of a ride. How do I know that?...STUDYING, that's how....

  As I shifted my position to get comfortable I looked up and saw the most beautiful stars. From my experience, the stars look so much better up close than down on Earth. You should try it some time. It's a mind blower. Like I was literally seriously..Oh gosh I already sound like a teenage brat. You see what Earth has done to me. Shame on me. Shame on Aurora!..Okay so as I was saying I quickly took out my journal and wrote down every aspect of those stars so it felt like you could see them in your head while you read it. When I finished writing down I looked up and I coudn't believe my eyes. I had to shake my antennas to see if I was dreaming. I wasn't. What was before me was astounding. Earth was so vibrant and luminous. It looked so much better in person than in my textbooks.

  "Everyone stay calm and quickly fasten your seat belt....enjoy the view.". Said the driver of the spacecraft. Everyone did as they were told. They were so ecstatic that their faces were glued to the window. I kid you not..they were. Well hey, who wouldn't we're aliens we have'nt seen any of this. Its all our first time. ~5 MINUTES LATER~.....Next thing you know we were all flying and going crazy due to the intensity of the craft. Some students almost broke the windows with their own weight. So I had to keep it on the low..because remember?..I wasn't supposed to be there. As sneaky as I am, I hid under the seats..actually it was a very bad decision. There was old gum and candy wrappers. I nearly puked as a gum got stuck to my hand. I shook my hand so fast that I made a tiny tornado..literally, it was a tiny tornado...I'm not lying.>.<. The tornado made a small hole in the chair. "Thank goodness no one is sitting there, I almost blew my cover" I whispered to myself. There was so much screaming and yelling that I past out.......

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