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Disclaimer: All Fairy Tail Characters Belong to Hiro Mashima

Chapter 16: Numb

Happy and Gray were trying to find Natsu. They had been searching for about an hour with no luck. Gray remembered Mira's words to him the previous night.

"Mira mentioned that you were upset with me about something. Do you want to talk about it?", Gray asked Happy

"It's ok, you have other things to worry about right now.", Happy said evasively. Now that he knew the truth about what had happened he felt bad about his accusations.

"Honestly, I would like to think about something else for awhile.", Gray said.

Happy sighed. He supposed he should just tell him and apologize. "I thought you had learned about Dragon Slayer's mates and were tricking Natsu into liking you so that he would end up alone forever. I know it's not true now and I'm sorry for even thinking it. I should have known better. I''m really sorry."

"You really thought I was capable of something like that?", Gray was genuinely hurt, "I would never do something that cruel."

"I know, it's just that the two of you were always fighting and then this. I didn't know what to think", Happy said sadly.

"That's alright Happy, I forgive you. You were only watching out for Natsu"

"Gray, what are you going to do when we find him? He left before he heard everything."

"I have to tell him the truth. We are in this mess because people weren't honest. I won't make it worse by doing the same.", Gray said earnestly.

"Are you ok?", Happy asked him.

"No. Let's go to the park, maybe he's there."

"Aye, sir."

They made their way to South Gate Park and finally saw Natsu sitting under the same Rainbow Sakura Tree where he had confessed to Gray just a few hours ago. He looked up and gave Gray a broken smile.

"Hey, Snowflake."

"Hi.", Gray said, feeling a little bit lost. He and Happy sat at either side of the fire mage.

"I find myself wishing that we had gone somewhere else for that drink.", Natsu chuckled dryly.

Gray snorted. "No kidding."

"Are you ok?", Gray asked more seriously..

"Hell no, I'm pretty far from ok. You?"

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