Chapter 3

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Hey guys! xx

I noticed that this hasnt been getting a lot of reads, but i thought i would updat anyway.. because i know someone out there is wanted another chapter... i think :(

Anyway, if someone is out there reading this, thank you so much! Please vote too though because at the moment i think i only have 1 vote... so thank you sooo much to the person who did vote, you are AMAZING!!

so here it is... :


"The only problem is, we dont know where to actually stay yet" my mum explained.

"Oh ok, well shall i go and get my laptop and we can have a look?" I asked, it was basically any excuse to check twitter.

"Ok" my mum said.

So i raced up the stairs to go and get my laptop. I opened the screen and saw i had a notification, it was probably Chloe or someone favouriting my tweet, i didnt really want to get my hopes up.

I slowly clicked on the notification box. OH MY GOD, YOU WILL NEVER GUESS... NASH GRIER HAS JUST INBOXED ME!!!!!!!!!! It read:

Hey gorgous xx

Just read your tweet, that is amazing. You look amazing. I really want to meet you too after seeing your profile picture! xxxxx

I coulnt actually believe what i had just read! Nash Grier just called me gorgous and amazing. This was insane! He also said that he cant wait to meet me! OMG

I ran down the stairs and was literally tearing up.

"MUM, DAD NASH HAS JUST INBOXED ME!!!" I shouted so loudly that i think i defend them.

"Oh that blue eyed kid?" My dad said, i couldnt believe thats all he ment to him

"YES!" I said, a tear now rolling down my cheek, it sounds stupid, but it was such a special moment that i couldnt help but cry a little.

"I thought you would be happy?" My brother said, my brother is only 5 you see and he doesnt understand

"I am!"

"Then why are you crying?"

"These are happy tears" I said, wiping away the tears from my face.

My mum and dad were just staring at me, i looked so stupid, crying over a 16 year old boy.

I sat down on the sofa and thought about what the hell i was going to write back.

"So shall we look for hotels then?" My dad said

"One second, i need to reply to him!"

"Oh do hurry up, its getting late!" My dad snapped. I glared at him, how could he be so rude. NASH FREAKING GRIER HAS JUST DIRECTLY MESSAGED HIS DAUGHTER AND ALL HE CARES ABOUT IS THE HOTEL?!!!!!!?!?!?!?

I sat therein shock, i had no idea what to write back, but soon i thought of something:

OMG! thank you so much, i think you are amazing too!! I cant wait to go to america, my family are just trying to find a hotel atm because we are just going to come to america for a week or so to see what its like x

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