chapter 8~the day Y/N goes to America~

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Hey Guys!xx I thought i would update agin today as i had a bit of spare time. So here it is, Chapter 8, the day Y/N goes to America. Im going to warn you  now though, it is quite a long chapter! So enjoy :) **Quick side note tho, i know i have put boyfriend and not girlfriend somewhere, but i'm not going to be going through 10 pages of my own book editing it so im sorry.. i did mean girlfriend :)

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I slowly sat up and turned it off. I went to my airing cuboard and got my dressing gown. It still hadnt sunk in that i was going to america. I thumped down the stairs and i saw that my mum, dad and brother were already up. Adam was eating cereal and mum and dad were packing things.

"Have a good sleep?" My mum asked cheerfully.

"Yeah" I said, i did have a good sleep. My back wasnt hurting that much this morning, but i knew there would be a bruise there. It then hit me, i couldnt wear bikinis out there now, just swim suits. I frowned.

"Are you ok?" Dad asked

"Um, yeah! WE'RE GOING TO AMERICA!" I exclaimed, it had finally sunk in.

A wave of excitement ran over me, "So if we enjoy it out there, can we move there?"

My mum and dad looked at each other in hesitation. Oh no, we werent going to move out there were we. WHY COULDNT LIFE BE EASY?! They kept changing their minds, one minutee were going. The next we werent.

"Well, the problem is..." Mum started quietly

"What now!" I said slightly aggressivley

"Well, we have already put an offer in for a house out there, so even if we dont like it, the chances are we will have to live out there. We put in quite a high offer!" Dad continued.

"REALLY??!!" I was too excited now, i was going to america today and there was a good chance that we would be living out there?!

"Anyway, get ready dear. We need to leave in 45 minutes" Dad said


I sat at the table and ate some cereal. I then went upstairs and got changed into a black top with 'PINK' written in sparkly letters and also some black skinny jeans. Along with a small black cardigan. I looked ok. I then had some cream coloured flats to wear. I didnt want heals today. I then realised i hadnt packed any shoes for America so i got another suitcase, but a smaller one and shuved about 20 pairs of shoes in there. I knew i wouldnt wear half of them, but i didnt know what shoes i was going to wear with the many outfits i had also packed. I zipped the suitcase up and took them both downstairs. Dad was packing the car so i handed him both my suitcases and went to the kitchen to take some more paracetamol. I went to the cuboard and saw that there was only a box left as mum had proably packed lots of medical stuff for the trip so i just took the whole box, that way i could take some whenever i needed some. i took one pill and put the rest in the back pocket of my jeans. I went back upstairs and grabbed a make up bag and put a lot of make up in there. Anything i could find.



Press powder

Lipstick and lip gloss

Eye shadows

I filled up the bag and then took it downstairs to my dad who was still packing.

"You nearly ready Y/N. We leave in in 10 minutes!" Mum shouted to me

"Yes, i think i am" I said, unsurely. It was true, i think i had packed everything.

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