A little story

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Soooo this chapter is for this thing I want to join..but I gotta make a little story at least 4 paragraphs long. So spare the possible cringe fest your about to read. Also..please this be only be read by the person/people who are to say if I "pass" or not.
I really feel like this is going to be really really bad..so EXO-TrashDonut you are allowed to read this and LawlessKayla  too with they/she/he is gonna judge too.

I can not stop anyone one else from reading this sooo..if you do read..feel free to put any criticism in the comments..now I shall begin.

PS Y/N will be a girl..because I would mess up a lot if I did a boy so..if you are a boy then do forgive me. If it helps you can imagine the 'her's & 'she's  as 'he's & 'his's..

PSS A bit of cussing like..one word.

Licht x Reader

Licht and Y/N were usually compared because of how much they either liked or wanted to do. If Licht liked watermelon, Y/N liked watermelon. If Licht wanted to go sleep, Y/N wanted to sleep. They both seemed to have the same train of thought or ideas. Lawless was the main person to always compare them. He was usually confused and curious to why Licht and Y/N were so similar.

"Y/N-san! Why are you so much alike to Licht-tan?" Lawless asked as Y/N shrugged. "It's probably just a sprinkle of fate or something else" Y/N replied with a observing gaze. "I think you should go to bed..you seem sleepy" Y/N stared at Lawless he sighed. "Fine~ I'll go sleep since you told me to Y/N-san!" He smiled before walking away to his room. Y/N sighed before starting to clean up the kitchen. Licht had been in his room for a while and it was starting to worry her but she remembered that Licht was a little feverish yesterday so her worrying got a little bit worse.

She decided to finish cleaning the kitchen and then going into Licht's room to check up on him. After Y/N cleaned the counter and dishes, Y/N walked to Licht's room with a smile. She knocked on his door but silence was what that followed. She turned the knob which was surprisingly unlocked. When she entered, she saw Licht in bed with a pink top and shorts. His back was facing Y/N so she couldn't see his face. "Licht?" Y/N whispered as the male just turned around and stared at her. His face was slightly red and sweat was on his forehead. She walked in and closed the door. "Uh..you need water Licht?" Y/N asked as she grabbed a cold towel and tried to wipe away all the sweat.

Y/N sat down on the bed and put her hand on his forehead. He felt warm like a cozy blanket. Licht suddenly grabbed her hand and pulled her under him. Licht looked down at Y/N with a blush as Y/N was very surprised by the sudden act. Licht closed the gap between them. Y/N blushed like a rose in bloom. Their kiss lasted a couple minutes. After the sudden kiss or make out Licht pulled Y/N closer and put his chin at the crook of her neck. They both stayed in that position for a bit before Y/N broke the silence and awkwardness. "..do you want to be alone for a bit..Licht?" Licht kept silent before he stuttered out a sentence. "I-I..Can you s-stay with me tonight?" Licht was still as stone before he heard Y/N sigh. "I'll stay with tonight..but tomorrow you gotta explain what happened today.." Licht mumbled a 'yes' as Y/N smiled a bit and pulled the blanket over the two.

The two were a bit distant and less talkative. Of course, Lawless was curious bout this sudden strange behavior but every time he would ask or try to pry about it, he would get the same answers.

"It's personal Lawless" Y/N would mumble.

"Non of your business shit rat!" Licht would shout.

But they would always talk to each other at night..
                                                       ..but only in Licht's room.

Because they wouldn't want Lawless teasing them..and maybe because for another repeat of before~

The end..

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