Felix Learns the Truth about Skylar

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I feel like I'm almost dead. I can't feel the fire I usually feel in my palms. All I can feel is coldness. Why did I trust him? Why can't I be smart all the time? I feel hopeless. Right when I am about to close my eyes, the door flys open. "Ace get up I'm getting you out of here," someone says.

I do what the person says. I can barely see anything. Once I'm out of the room with the mysterious person, he identifies himself. It's Felix. He picks me up and runs.

We get probably 4 miles away from camp. "Felix. You came to save me. Why," I ask.

"It's the right thing to do," Felix responded, "I could see the love in your eyes for Peter."

We walk a little ways and set up a small camp. Before I could say thanks, he cuts me off. "You can thank me later," he says. I nod. "You should probably get next to the fire," he says. I do what I am told.

Felix hears a brush rustling. "This will only take a second," he says as he walks near it. Out pops Snow White, Regina, Charming, Emma, Captain Hook, and an unfamiliar man. "Ace," Regina screams excitedly. "I see you've got a lost boy," Emma says.

"He's okay. He helped me out of the room," I say to Emma. She nods.

"This is Neal. Also known as Baelfire. Rumplestilksten's son," Emma says.

We all get to know Felix and each other better. Emma tells the story about what they all went through to get Neal. She told us how she met Neal. It was so romantic and sweet. She tells him about my powers and everything with Pan.

"I'm going to go get more firewood to keep you warm," felix leans over and whispers.


"I'm going to go get more firewood to keep you warm," I lean over and whisper to Ace.

I walk into the deep forest. I see a couple of logs that will do just fine.

"I told you not to help her," Pan says.

"You really thought I was going to listen to you."

"You are so naive," Pan says annoyingly.

"Skylar isn't in the real world. She's dead. Her shadow is here on the island. I killed her for there was no chance you would leave my island because at the time I couldn't figure out where your true loyalties lie," he explains.

"How could you," I yell.

"Oh the look on your face is priceless right now," he says while chuckling.

I get angry and try to punch him. I miss. He punches me in the gut. I try to get up but he kicks my back and I fall back down. He pulls my hair to make me look at him. "I told you not to help her. You did," he says.

"You broke the rules. Now you will have to go," he says angrily, "I will let you go back to her but you tell no one of this. Or I will kill her upfront and you!"

He leaves.

I walk back and sit next to Ace. "Is everything ok," she asks. I nod yes.

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