Inside the Mausoleum

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When we get to their house, she puts Ace in a room first. I listen at the door to hear what they're talking about.

"I saw something weird when Rumple was sucking Pan into Pandora's box," ace tells her mother. "What," Regina asks back. "I think I saw Henry's eyes glow," Ace tells her.

She may know. Dang. Why does she get in the way all the time? Regina tells her that they'll look into it tomorrow and good night. I needed to stall this.

She walks out and is frightened to find me here. "Mom can we go to the mausoleum and see all your magic," I ask her. "Sure," she says, "I'm glad your taking an interest into magic."

Easy as taking candy from a baby. We walk to her mausoleum.

As we are walking inside, I see something I've used before. A dust that knocks out people for a while. "What's this," I point at the dust in a jar. "This is a knock out dust," she explains, "here hold it Henry."

She hands me the potion. I, of course, take it. "I'm not Henry. I'm Pan," I tell her while trying to smirk. She looks bewildered.

I take someone of the jar an blow it in her face.

"Haha," I laugh evilly, "I will have Henry's heart."

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