I Still Could Not Believe This . . .

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By the time I am friends with her, people would normally looked at me as if they wanted to pick a firght on me. 

Everytime I walked around the school with her I always put my head down so I could not see people staring at me like "YOU'RE SO DEAD!!" 

And she would say what happened to me, why am I not looking straight up. Then I would just say nothing happened, it's just that i don't want to. Then she would smile.

She's a great person. She follows me around (I don't really know why!) and got beaten a lot of times because of that.

They would smash my face like a non-ending smash. 

I've tried avoiding her but I can't 'coz she's they only friend I have. And I don't wanna lose her.

Everytime when she discovered I was beaten again, she would run as fast as she could to find me and protect me like she really cares for me a lot.

By the way.

She's really a cool girl. She's beautiful and smart. She loves singing and dancing a lot. She even plays guitar, piano, violin, drums, and so as other musical instruments. She's really amazing. She knew a lot of things about life. And plus., she's pretty much famous in school. People loves her. Guys wants to be with her (that's why they beat me).  But girls on the otherhand, wants her gone. They don't like her because guys loves her. But there are other girls who also likes her a lot. They admire her actually.

So we were like bestfriends slash brothers-sisters. 

And being with her is such a fun thing to do. We do things like normal kids do. We go to malls, parks, we even play music together. She's so funnny that I can't afford leaving her behind.

But though things were different when I'm with her, it's still the same when she's not around.

People still hates me.

People still ignores me.

People still bullies me around.

And was never new to me. 

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