Chapter 1

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       Patchkit kneaded the ground beneath her paws and stared outside of the nursery. The young she-kit flicked  her ears back and let her tail twitch as she stared outside the dangling in the nursery entrance. Excitement began to pulse through the little kit's chest as she was hurriedly groomed by a lovely cream colored queen groomed through her black fur. Her bright emerald eyes stared at the slowly growing crowd. Becoming a warrior was the best thing she could possibly imagine. Although she was admittedly afraid.

       All kits preparing for apprenticeship were nervous. She just never thought it would be this bad. A warm touch from Berryspot directed her attention upward, away from her thoughts and worries.

       "Don't worry little one," she meowed gently. " forget everything and just breath..." she purred sweetly. Certainly Berryspot had no fear when she was becoming an apprentice. There just wasn't anyway. "Remember, all you have to do is answer Skystar honestly. Then you want to touch your nose with your mentor's...alright?"

Patchkit nodded and took a deep breath, "I understand," she mewed nervously. Her emerald eyes slowly moved towards the ferns as they began to rustle.  Hazilpaw poked his pale head inside the nursery. His light brown eyes shined with excitement as he stared back at her.

     "You ready Patchkit?" he meowed with a slight squeak in his voice. Hazilpaw had been Patchkit's  friend ever since they were kits. He was about a moon older then her and was there when she had first opened her eyes. The only other cat she was close to other then Redpaw and Berryspot.  He was just like an elder brother. At her nod, the tabby tom let his tail twitch and ducked out. 

     Berryspot nodded after him and nuzzled her cheek. Without any hesitation, the fluffy kit padded after him. Her paws seemed to turn numb the moment she left the nursery. All the cats were there, just staring at her. Suddenly she began to think it wasn't time for her to be apprenticed. However, everyone insisted she was ready.

     "This is it," Patchkit meowed to herself. This was the time when she would prove to the clan that she was ready to be an apprentice. Certainly it wouldn't be too hard. Hazilpaw and Redpaw both told her what she had to do. Though Redpaw was from Fireclan and  the way it happened there was a little different, it was still similar enough to know what to expect. Finding a new surge of strength that drove her forward; Patchkit padded into the path of split warriors. Some gave her encouraging nods while others remained silent.

      It was no time before she reached highstones. Skystar was there, staring down at her. It was just as everyone had said. Every other cat that had gathered to watch seemed to melt away now that she was in his presence. All the anxiety of before seemed to melt away, put behind her like a passing stream. Everything seemed to happen so fast. Only a moment ago she was panicking in the nursery. Now she was here in front of Skystar, about to get her mentor and apprentice name.

          Patchkit lifted her gaze towards the lean, sand colored tom. She was surprised to see a pair of large eyes staring back at her. Suddenly she felt nervous, but not in the way before. This seemed to be in the presence of a tom she respected for ages. 

          "Patchkit," he began in a heavy voice. " you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Patchpaw. Your mentor will be Owltail." He paused momentarily.

       Owltail? Patchpaw had never really interacted with this warrior too much. She's seen her before. an experienced warrior as far as Patchpaw knew. Berryspot has often said in the past that she's incredibly wise. They have been friends for a few moons.

       "Owltail," he repeated. Almost instantly, the gray she-cat stepped forward. "you are ready to receive an apprentice. You've received excellent training from Foxfoot, and you have shown yourself to be wise and loyal. You will be mentoring Patchpaw, and I trust that you will pass on everything you have learned to this new apprentice."

       Patchpaw stiffened as her eyes met Owltail's. How in the name of Starclan was she so calm? The gray warrior stepped forward. Patchpaw walked to her in return. The two cats touched noses and the clan broke out into a series of chants.

       "Patchpaw! Patchpaw! Patchpaw!"

       After the chanting had finished, the gathered cats parted. Owltail was immediately herded away from Patchpaw. Other warriors seemed more excited then she was about the new apprentice. Patchpaw felt, alone.

       It wasn't long before the black and white she-cat was tackled to the ground. She gasped and struggled quickly.

       "Take it easy Patchpaw," the high squeak of Hazilpaw filled her ears. "It's just me! And now you'll be able to stay with us in the apprentice's den!" he jumped off her happily. "You can sleep next to me! And Redpaw!" 

       Trying to collect herself, Patchpaw smiled. Her emerald eyes locked on the new den. What was it like sleeping alone? Well, in a nest alone. She wonder for a moment whether Redpaw would sleep in the same same nest.

       "Patchpaw!" Hazilpaw cuffed her ear "Is something wrong?" 

       "No!" she snapped back to reality. "Just thinking about my training I guess...Owltail will take me out to see the territory first...right?"

        Hazilpaw's eyes lit up. "That's right!" he nodded "She'll just take you around the you the training hollow, and the popular hunting areas!" he chuckled.

       "Congratulations Patchpaw," Redpaw slowly approached the fluffy apprentice "Welcoming to the next longest moons of your life." He chuckled "Don't believe me." he meowed quickly "It's really not all that bad. Now's when you feel like your actually doing something for the clan." he beamed.

       "Thanks Redpaw!" She gave her chest and embarrassed lick. "I can't wait to start training tomorrow. Hazilpaw told me it will most likely be uneventful. Except for touring the territory of course!"

       "And he's right!" Redpaw chuckled. Hazilpaw lifted his head with pride. "I'll get your nest ready!" Hazilpaw stiffened quickly. Without waiting for a response, the tabby tom bounded away into the den.

       "Don't worry Patchpaw, we'll be right there all night. And if you wake up afraid, then you can go ahead and crawl into the nest with me."

    Patchpaw nodded and lifted her gaze to the sky. Tonight she would stay up, talking to the other apprentices. And tomorrow would begin her very first day as a Stoneclan apprentice.

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