The new kid

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Dean signed rubbing his knuckles, he could hear through the thin walls into the principles office from where he sat on the desk outside.
"I'm sorry Mrs Ambrose, we can't keep Dean here he's made enough enemies and got himself into far too many fights. I would recommend you start looking for another school."
Dean sighed again and picked up his bag and started towards the car, not wanting to look his mother in the eyes after all the trouble he had caused.
A few days later
Dean grunted as he stumbled drunkenly out of bed, truth be told he was still drunk from his secret stash of beer in his closet.
He stumbled in only his grey boxers to the mirror and brushed his teeth he decided against a shower as he had no place to be. He trudged downstairs looking for some snacks as he had a bad case of the munchies.
But waiting at the bottom of the stairs was his mother holding a letter, he glanced at it and noticed it was a letter from a school. She thrust it into his arms and stormed into the kitchen to have a much needed coffee.
He opened it and read it slowly. He raised an eyebrow in suspicion, this was a letter to say he had gotten in. He read it and it told him where to go and what time and what date.
He read the date 1st February it took his brain 5 minutes to realize that today was the 1st of February and he was supposed to be in school in 15 minutes. "Shit!" He yelled and raced upstairs to get dressed ignoring his mothers angry grunt of language.
He ran into his pigsty of a room and grabbed some clothes off the floor a white tank top and some jeans and a leather jacket just to be safe.
He was fully dressed in a few minutes, and down the stairs. He ran into the front door before unlocking it and running out in the direction of the school.
He made it there with barely any time left. The school was massive and looked like it was made entirely of glass. He sighed and ran towards the main entrance.
Inside was posh to say the least. Dean took a moment to take it all in before speaking to the receptionist. "Hello how may I help you?" The woman said kindly Dean rubbed his neck and handed her his letter, she smiled as if remembering him. "His office is down the corridor to the left." He mumbled a thanks and was on his way, the carpets were bright red and felt expensive under his feet.

He walked for a little bit longer before spotting a door it read Vince McMahon. He shrugged if he wasn't the principle he could ask him about where the guys office would be.
He knocked loudly and heard a clear come in from within. He entered to see a man behind a large desk, he looked old. Old and mean. There was two seats in front and one was occupied by another kid his age. "Have a seat Dean." Vince said cheerfully, Dean complied something told him not to mess with this guy.
Vince smiled leaning back in his expensive chair "Finn meet Dean. Dean meet Finn. Since your both newbies you too should stick together." He announced, Dean looked at the boy sat beside him and noticed how bright and blue his eyes were, and how he had a cute face. He shook his head mentally. "Yeah...ok." Finn said picking at his black hoodie. Dean simply nodded he hated talking to adults, the were too serious for him.
"Right now at this school there is plenty of fighting so feel free. Given both your track records you should be right at home. I'll make wrestlers out of you all." He announced loudly. Dean was shocked he loved to wrestle, if only he had know it was a wrestling school he would have actually had a shower or put on some clean clothes.
"Now go on get out of here." Vince demanded turning his seat to face the window. Finn and Dean quickly left the room.
"Now what?" Finn asked, Dean smiled he had a nice accent too, Irish. He mentally shook his head again. "We stick together and go find someone to show us around because I'm sure as hell not gonna knock on his door again." Dean replied Finn nodded and the two began down the corridor to find someone to show them around.

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