New friend!

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As they walked around the seemingly empty school Dean and Finn began talking about anything and everything trying to get to know each other.
"So who's your all time favourite wrestler? Mines Shawn Michaels." Finn asked he was a lot more outgoing after Dean broke through his shy shield.

Dean pondered the question, he had never really thought about it. "Well I guess if I had to pick Terry Funk." Finn looked confused he obviously didn't know who Terry Funk was.

They kept walking until, bang! Someone walked directly into Dean. He was about to have a go until he realised it was a girl. She was shortish and had a side ponytail. She was kind of cute.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry." She squealed almost as if she was scared he'd punch her. "It's fine what's your name?" He asked trying to seem as unthreatening as humanly possible. "Bayley." Finn smiled "nice name." Bayley blushed bright red and muttered a thanks.

She  straightened herself up and took a deep breath. "So you guys must be new, so am I, well I'm newish I came here last week." Bayley explained before seemingly realising something. "Hey I don't know your names?" Dean smiled "I'm Dean and he's Finn." Fine grinned and gave a cute wave.
She blushed again and this made Dean wonder if she could make it any more obvious she was attracted to the Irishman.
After a quick explanation and a good long look at their timetables they realised they were all on the same timetable, convenient I know but they were all new so Vince put them together at least that was Finns theory.

The three gingerly walked to their lesson which was maths.

As they stood outside the door they began bickering about who would knock and who would speak. Bayley opted out of both and pulled out an image of old school Matt Hardy.
"So I guess it's just you and me?" Finn sighed before grinning. "Let's wrestle! Whoever gets the pin doesn't have to knock or speak and the loser has to do both." Finn announced smirking. Dean smirked back. "Deal! Bayley you're the ref!" Dean yelled sounding as enthusiastic about the idea of beating up his newfound friend.

Bayley stood between them and waved her arms, and yelled ding ding ding! Dean and Finn had a short standoff before running at each other. Finn punched Dean on the back and head as he slammed him into the wall. Dean then threw him at Bayley who dodged then gave Dean the finger and resumed her duties as ref.
After a few more more punches kicks and a body slam at one point. Finn leapt onto a particularly strong radiator and preformed one of the best finishing moves Dean had ever seen.
Finn then pinned Dean
Ding ding ding!
Finn leapt to his feet and began blowing kisses to an imaginary crowd, he helped Dean up, giving him a friendly pat on the back.
"And the winner Finn whatever your last name is!" Bayley yelled admittedly very loudly. Finn laughed loudly and whispered something in Bayleys ear. Presumably his last name.

Dean didn't have time to pout until...

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