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Sweat beads formed on my forehead as i rested both palms over my knees slightly crouched attempting to catch my breath after a long run over the sea shore .

Today , we are supposed to meet up with the coach in the afternoon , a big match was coming up soon and we had to leave for the boot camp right after dinner tonight .

When I finally feel like I was properly inhaling and exhaling I stood up properly stopping the music that was blasting in my ears , taking off my ear buds.

Soccer had always been my ultimate hobby , and ever since I got picked to play with the Chinese national team  it became my job and I have been a happy man ever since . It has been 6 years and the burden got bigger when I became team captain but it was all happy time or it was what I likes to call everyday life by now . 

For six years I had been doing the same routine , my soul and body were tired but whenever I'd hear people cheering for us to win it would all be forgotten and replaced with good energy it's how I lived .

I've always wanted to commit myself to someone and love them , but every girl i met made it harder for me to cope up with women at some point . When they were good looking their attitude got on my nerves , and when their personality was quite decent they were overly obsessive with my status knowing that i had stopped dating much because of the massive amount of weird rumours .

But it all changed that afternoon we had to meet the coach before the boot camp , I spotted a feminin figure leaving the locker room right before we go in to meet our team coach .

It was subtle but had a huge impression on me , the way she flipped her hair adjusting her scarf around her neck , her eyes looking straight ahead.

She had her eyes down to the ground when she left ,she was humble looking and gave off a very delicate aura , and without knowing why ,the fact that I, maybe ,wasn't going to see her again broke my heart slightly .

It felt like I was missing on something really important but then again I had life comittments, I wasn't going to run after her although it felt like i was missing on a lot .

What if she was the coach's wife ?

" Han hurry up , the coach is calling us up " xiujung nudged to wake me up from my reverie.

When we went in the coach had a relaxed expression on his face as he seemed to be joking with some of the players .

" I got no idea how and where you got that beautiful woman right there coach " chaoxing , the bold goalkeeper asked .

I turned to look the sore expression on the coach's face that turned almost instantly into a genuine smile as if he was trying to surpress the need to brag .

" that is my daughter you are talking about son " he pointed his index finger towards chaoxing attempting to warn him , eyes squinted together . 

We knew he had a daughter , we just had never seen her .

I heaved a secret sigh of relief and when everyone settled down the coach stood right in the middle

" today's practice is not going to decide who is going to the boot camp and who is not , because everyone is going unlike every year , and by so doing we seek a better training especially better teamwork for you as a team do we have an understanding ? I don't want anyone slacking off , sleeping in , partying , no booze , no girls , it's a five days boot camp I am sure you can handle it on your owns " he spattered firmly as always when it came to work

The look on their faces was priceless especially the no booze no girls part and it was amusing , during the last boot camp some of us really had it but then fucked up the whole practice later and it got us into trouble during the national selections

Before we left the locker room the coach stopped at the door step and looked warily for our attention 

" Oh and just so you know , my daughter will be going with me so I want no playing around her unless you want a beating of course " he smirked before leaving

The look on their faces loosened up a bit , even mine if I were to admit , suddenly the thought of going to the boot camp didn't sound as turtorous as it would have been , not that I am expecting something but thinking about seeing her again seemed to make things bearable in a way I hadn't known ever existed .

Slight shame filled me , I disliked defying the coach's words and here I am molesting his daughter with my eyes as she sat on one of the benches hands wrapped around her body , the tip of her nose slightly red .

I got distracted for a whole 10 minutes and it was bad getting stares from the coach for making absurd field mistakes but I couldn't help it .

I was dying to take a closer look at her but I only got to when the first 30 The first 30 minutes run ended , I stood by the bench she was sitting on , trying to take grasp of my breathing motion as I heard her talk with her father .

It was normal father , daughter talk and her voice wasn't as I expected , it was slightly husky and thick with an accent as if she smoked .

It sounded hot and it sent my mind to places I really didn't want to reach .

When I finally caught my breath , I moved to sit on the near bench keeping a distance .

" mum wants me to stay away from her for a while " I heard her say

" why is that ?"

" you know mum's empathic dad , she gets easily agitated by my aura and you know how I am , I can't seem to be the cheerful talkative daughter she has ever wanted " she heaved a sigh and it broke my heart slightly a bit more

I wasn't able to listen more , I couldn't anyways so I stood up to join the guys back to start the real practice .

All that ran in my mind was how fair skinned and soft she looked , for that I got scolded more than I ever got scolded , more than any day but I was happy and for the first time in a long while

She was still sitting there when out practice came to an end , I was exhausted but not as I would be usually because I wasn't really focusing on the practice anyway , everyone noticed .

I went to sit on the bench near , she was there , alone , hands on her lap fixing something forward with her eyes .

I was having a lot of first things happening today , I never felt so anxious and hesitating , I wanted to talk to her something I was never afraid to do with any girl yet there she goes making me all nervous .

" dad I think I am going to go " I could see her stand from the corner of my eye

The coach came running to her

" honey I won't be in for so long let me finish this take you home " he told her

" I need to pack , and I could use some sleep " I heard her sigh afterwards

My eyes were down looking to the ground and was wondering how she would have looked talking when I heard the coach call up my name .

My head snapped his way , wide enough of slight surprise

" luhan , would you mind driving my daughter home ?" He asked

" no no dad it's alright , I'll just get a cab "

" yeah sure " i nodded

Her refusing made me want to even more , I was curious about her , she wasn't just that average everyday girl like the ones I'd usually lay eyes on .

" okay , Lu han is going to take you home " the coach smiled at her then looked at me .

I asked her to wait a bit as I go change up into something not stinky in sweat and came back to find her sitting in the same position eyes down .

" shall we ?" I asked

She nodded and stood up , I could hear her fast forward footsteps trying to catch up to me

Now that I got to see her standing she was a few inches shorter than I was only , medium length black silky hair , soft features and rosy cheeks and nose .

If I hadn't heard her voice I'd surely say she is not human

" thank you , you didn't have to do it " I heard her mumble when we were finally inside the car , seat belt fastened

" no , it's alright I wanted to " I looked at the steering wheel pretending to gather my focus to drive

" so where are we going ? " I asked after we were both settled into the car

Soccer field // LuhanWhere stories live. Discover now