Chapter 2 In A House

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He grabed my hand intertwining his fingers with yours and dragging you towards a old town. "Whoah slow down there im going to fall!!" You say trying to stop. "Sorry im really exited i have never had a friend. Everyone thinks im dangerous. Yes i deal with harmful chemicals but i try not to hurt anyone. And i say try because some people do get hurt in the prosses but its not my fault. My latest invention i will show you when we get to my lab oooh this is so exiting." You get to the edge of the old town to see a small little cottage that almost looks like a mini castle. "Wow your house is so cool. I wish i lived here let alone a house." You say putting a sad expression on your face. "Oh umm well come you can meet my dad then we can go to my lab. I have so many things to show you." He steps up on a one step and opens a door he walks in and jumps, you not knowing why. You see purple spheres fly rowards your feet as you trip over what you think is string and you yell covering your eyes. "Watch....." varian yells but is is too late you open your eyes and look around to see varian giving you a cheesy smile and patting his chin with his index finger (sort of like the pic above) You were ready to walk but when you try your feet are just stuck to the floor bords. "What the?" You look down to see purple goo covering your feet. "Varian what the freckles did you do!!" You look up to see varian giggling at your comment then you start to blush when you remember he had freckles." Oh sorry i just...." "no its ok (your name) that just tickled my funny bone its fine." He neals down on one knee then looks down at the goo. "Hmmm i wonder if i add more sewer water if plus mixing in carbon floxicutty (i have no idea what im saying) then maybe it will turn harder so it isnt goo." Varian mumbles pointing the goo then examining it with a close eye. "Ahem are you gonna help me..."
"Varian are you home?" A man burst through a door on the left wall looking at me varian and the goo. "Oh sorry dad this is (your name) she was coming over and got stuck hehehe."
"Ugh varian how many times have i told you to stop putting traps at the front that is exactly why i put this door here." "Oh no sir its ok im enjoying being in goo with my legs hirting and cramping..." you look down at varian smirking at him then he gives you an unpleased look . "Now are you gonna get me out varian or are you just gonna keep looking at me" you say starting to get annoyed. "Oh right here.." he grabs out what i think is a salt shaker. *Shake* *shake* *shake* out comes some sparkly white stuff. It lands on the goo and in three seconds it dissapears. By now varians dad had left to make sandwhiches for the three of us. You put your hand out for varian and he accepts you hand. You hoist him up but maybe pull a bit too forward. We stared into eachothers eyes our warm breaths tickling our sences. For thirty seconds there was an awkward silence you broke it by pulling varian into a hug full of emotion. You hands around his neck with your chin on his shoulder. He put his arms around you hands on my upper back. "Best friends." You whisper pulling away from the hug puting out your pinky. "Best friends." Varian says back rapping his pinky around yours not breaking eye contact.

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