Look to the Stars

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•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color

Your POV:

Soft hums of a song that's stuck in my head escapes my lips as I roll out a dark purple blanket over the damp, vibrant green grass to make me a more comfortable place to sit. Once I'm done, I have a seat on the cover and lie back with my arms folded beneath my head to look up at the clear, night sky, unintentionally lifting my pale blue sweatshirt to reveal a small portion of my belly. Since I live farther away from the nearest city or town, the twinkling stars are much more brighter than they ever were back when I lived around those busy areas. The bustling city never did appeal to me, and not because I'm a solitary person. It's just calmer out here, more relaxing and stress-free.

Not to mention this incredible view I get just from sitting outside in my backyard. It's the perfect place for my favorite pastime, stargazing. At a young age, I was diagnosed with insomnia, which had been a hassle. It means I usually have to take sleeping pills, but in all honesty, I think this has been much better for me. Looking up at the stars seems to always put me in a trance.

At times, I find myself falling asleep on the grass due to the night air and natural lighting of the stars and moon. The place I live is usually warm year-round too, which is extra beneficial to my little hobby. Sure, it'll get a little chilly every now and again, but overall, it's nice weather. I release a sigh in content as a small smile graces my lips. I plan to get a telescope soon to view the sky up close, but I've been saving up to get a really good model, since I know it will be frequently used. About thirty minutes of refreshing my brain on the numerous constellations above, I find my eyelids getting heavier and heavier. Before I could close my eyes, however, I caught sight of something making a rapid descent from the sky. My brows scrunch together in confusion as I sit up and stare at the object hurdling towards Earth.

"What the heck," I mutter under my breath.

'Is that a meteor? Looks like it's getting close...really close.' My eyes widen as I scramble to get to my feet. Before I could run to my house, however, the flaming thing flies over my head and crash lands at the edge of my property. I yelp and fall onto my back when the ground shakes from the rough landing.

I wince as I force myself to sit up and gaze in the direction of the wreckage. Whatever it was had left a huge crater in my lawn. It's smoking too. Shakily, I stand up and rush towards the crash sight to quell my curiosities. I peer into the enormous hole from the edge and find that a cloud of dirt had begun to settle around a peculiar capsule lying dead center of the crater. The metal container looks big enough to fit one, maybe even two, people in it.

'Well, that's weird.' Carefully, I enter the hole and slide down the sloped wall to reach the bottom in order to investigate further. This object has peeked my interest. I advance towards the shiny capsule covered in dirt cautiously, since I'm not sure if the equipment is going to be dangerous. For all I know, it's a bomb. I run my hand over the slick material to clear away some of the dirt only to find something similar to a tinted window underneath. I tilt my head at it.

'Is this some kind of spaceship?' That's certainly what it looks like. Maybe the government was testing some weird spacecraft, and it went wrong? I wipe the dirt off my hands onto my blue jeans to clean them. As I do this, the window opens, causing me to jump back in surprise.

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