Home in the Stars

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•E/C: Eye Color

Your POV:

——————————————Your POV:___________________________

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I breathe in the fresh air deeply, my arms folded behind my head as my E/C orbs stare up at the beautiful night sky. A blanket separates my body from the grass, while my new alien friend is seated beside me, also gazing up at the inky mass above. Russel looks down at me so I shift my attention to him as he starts to speak.

"I have achieved sufficient data today. Thank you for showing me more of your planet. I cannot wait to learn more." I smile at the strange creature, who no longer appeared human. I figured he'd be more comfortable without makeup, so I cleaned it off of him after coming home from the store.

"You're welcome. I'm happy to help." I turn my gaze back upwards, though, I could still see him staring down at me with the same blank face he always wears from the corner of my eye, which was hardly relaxing, but I kept my mouth shut about it. Eventually, he looks back up at the sky before pointing a clawed finger at a faint glow in the cosmos that was difficult to see from here.

"My kind lives there," he mentions randomly, catching me by surprise. I sit up in awe, staring at the area where his sharp finger points before he lowers the limb.

"I bet that's pretty far away, huh?" From the corner of my vision, I could see him nod, though, my eyes never tore away from the sky.

"Yes. I think you would like it there."

"You think so?" A slight smile tugs at my lips as I think back to the memory he shared with me of the beautiful clearing, the two moons, and the ash flowers. "I would love to see it in person. You said I saw it from your memory, right?"

"Yes, that is correct." He nods his head, and I release a wistful sigh.

"It was so beautiful, and to think, it's right over there." I point my finger at one of the far stars in the sky above, feeling as though if I stretched my arm far enough, I could take it within my hand. Sadly, my hand only touches the air and nothing more. Gentle claws take my hand and move it over some so that I was pointing at the right spot. I giggle softly at the little correction and put my hand down while pulling my knees to my chest to hug them. By a bit, my smile drops as I glance over at the alien beside me. "Do you miss it?"

"Hardly, though, I have been away for a very long time. I have no reason to be there, really. That is why I travel."

"I see. Where else have you been?" I ask curiously. He looks up at the sky and points to multiple parts, explaining each planet in great detail from their terrain to inhabitants. Apparently, the appearance of living things is slim on other planets, which would explain why humans haven't found anything yet. When he's finished, I'm left awestruck.

"That's so amazing. I can't believe how many wonderful places there are out there. I hardly even leave my own house, aside from work and grocery shopping. You're so lucky to have the ability to come and go as you please."

"Work? Do you mean your job?" I hum and nod my head in response to his question. "Do all humans have jobs?"

"Most do, but no, not all. Sadly, there are some people who have difficulties getting a job, which is horrible. Here, on Earth, you need money to do just about anything, and without a job, you can't earn any." Sighing, a depressed look appears in my eyes as I admire the twinkling stars, wishing I could see the world up there for myself. "Sometimes, I wish I could leave this place. It's the worst." Russel seems shocked by my words, for his lips part some to release a light gasp.

"Really? But, there's so much here. How could it possibly be so terrible?" I smile at him and chuckle lightly. I thought it was cute how quick he was to defend the place he's been in for what, a day?

"You haven't lived here long enough, so I suppose it's nice at first glance. Everything gets tiring after awhile, though." He hums in thought whilst thinking over what I said.

"I think I understand. You grow tired of the problems so much so that the delights are hardly enough to make you want to stay."

"Yeah, basically."

"Everywhere has problems, some worse than others, but there is always something. It's part of life. You just need to look towards the light rather than the dark." I stare at the creature in shock and amazement, causing him to tilt his head.

"Sorry, did I say something you don't understand?" I shake my head.

"No, no. I understand." I smile softly and look up again before shutting my eyes. "You're right, but still, it's nice to have the ability to leave, like you. I'm pretty much stuck here for life." I open them again when I feel a hand touch my shoulder and look over at Russel again.

"I can take you with me when I leave, if you'd like. It would be nice to have some company." My jaw hangs open slightly as my eyes grow wider.

"I wouldn't want to impose on your adventures. Besides, I'd only hold you back." Honestly, I would love to go, but I'm no one special. He could find a far better companion to join him in the stars. How long would it be before he leaves anyway?

"No, you wouldn't." My heart flutters from his words as a smile stretches my lips.

"You're too nice." Without thinking, I lean against the creature to rest my head on his shoulder.

"What are you doing?" He asks, though, he didn't sound repulsed by my actions, only curious.

"Oh, sorry. Does it bother you?" I lift my head some only for his hand to guide me back to this shoulder.

"Do as you please. I'm here to study Earth and its creatures. Learning about how you act is part of it. If it feels natural to you, feel free to do it."

"All right, then." A peaceful silence falls over the two of us as we continue stargazing late into the night, but no matter how tired I was, I couldn't seem to fall asleep, which isn't unusual for me.

"Do all humans stay up so late?" He wonders, appearing tired himself.

"No, I have something called insomnia. It's when you can't sleep no matter how hard you try."

"Is this insomnia common among humans?" I shrug my shoulders and sigh.

"I don't know the numbers, but I'd guess no."

"Would you like to sleep?"

"Yes, but it's very hard for me." He shifts some, causing me to lift my head, and then, he sets his sharp nails beneath my chin, being weary of the points. I look into his milky eyes as his pink spots glow dimly under the light of the moon. The sight numbs my senses and sends tingles throughout my entire body, easing each individual muscle.

"W- What're you..." I trail off as my eyelids droop, my consciousness gradually slipping away. I find myself leaning more against him without being able to help it, so he catches me to make sure I don't face-plant onto the ground.

"This is an ability of my kind. We can lull any living being to sleep. This is my gift to you for being so helpful." The last I see before closing my eyes is a very faint upward turn of his lips. "Now, sleep. I'll be right here." I hardly heard his voice as I slipped into sleep against his scrawny form and barely noticed that I was moved to lie down on the blanket. I've never pictured myself like this, sleeping under the stars with an alien beside me. It's a funny thing.

A crazy, funny thing.

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