-Birdie's Blues-

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Chapter Three

‘Birdie’s Blues’


Ruby’s was a café in town that everyone went to. It also happened to have the absolute best burgers and fries I’d ever tasted in life, then again my family wasn’t much for cooking so Ruby’s was kind of how I’d survived through most of high school not solely eating cereal and anything you could pop in the microwave. It wasn’t huge and it had a diner kind of feel because of the big brown booths that hugged either side of the place. Bree and I walked in our heads up high as always looking for Birdie hoping her side of the place wouldn’t be full with customers.

“There’s a seat let’s go.” Bree rushed to sit at a booth closer to the stage just so we could hear birdie sing later on.  We sat there as Birdie made her way over to the table her hair a bright blonde and pulled back in braids. The first thing you really ever noticed about Birdie besides her long hair was that her eyes looked so sad, they were by far the most unusual mix of blue and green I’d ever seen on anybody but she always had the sad eyes that you’d see on older people, as if you could see she’d lived a thousand lifetimes through her eyes.

“Hey, girls what can I do for you today? The usual?” she asked a small smile on her face.

“Yep and Birdie can we ask you a quick question.” I asked noticing the smile on her face as always never reached her eyes.

“Yeah, shoot girls.”

“Just  wondering if you’d be okay with us giving you an interview it’s for a project for school.”

“Sure, I don’t know how much help I’d be to you guys, but okay just stay a while after my set. I’ll take you girl’s to the dressing room afterwards.” she said before disappearing in the back towards the kitchen.

We settled in and looked around to see nothing but the same people we saw in town every time we came a few kids from school but mostly middle aged everyone filled up the place mostly. It was a quiet place after all not too loud which is why everyone who came here liked it so much.  After listening to a comedian, Birdie came back with our food and milkshakes.

“Remember stick around after my set and we’ll talk in the back.” She winked before carrying her tray out back to the kitchen.  After one girl comedian made everyone laugh so hard one of the kids from schools milk came out of his nose not too long after, we’d heard that exact same kid get on stage and sing his heart out. It wasn’t surprising to anyone really since he had a reputation for being the class clown at school. But boy he had a talent with that voice of his.

“And now, Ms. Ruby would like you all to give a very special applause to her little girl Birdie Jenkins.” The announcer spoke loudly.

Birdie popped up from behind the band and smiled at everyone, she sat down in the stool by the microphone.

“Well, he-hello everybody. You guys know I’m not much for talking, so I’ll just sing.” She took a deep breath and the song started softly but her voice grew and grew with it as she went on.

 You’d never guess birdie spent most of her days here being a waitress by how glammed out she’d be at night. Her hair was always in these vintage pin curls that waved up perfectly, and her dresses which Ms. Ruby made herself sparkled like the night sky.

After the crowd quieted down and her standing ovation ended, Birdie signaled for us to follow her.

We’d finished our meal and I was far too stuffed to even think of moving. “But my stomach,” I whined, Bree pulled me out of the booth her left over fries in hand and the camera bag draped across her shoulder.

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