Chapter 13: Put It Into Action

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Michael: Star and Marco were comfortable to see each other. Except they're in the shower.

Nya: "Well, I noticed. That you brought the rubbers in with you..."

Jay: "Oh, yes. I just happened to have them with me when I came in.. I wasn't even thinking."

Michael: Then he continued.

Jay: "So, I left them there. Heh... yeah, I had them when I left the room... and I was just thinking.."

Nya: "So, you were thinking after all."

Jay: "No, I mean."

Nya: "Soo easy to tease, you look cute when flustered. (light chuckles)"

Jay: "Star, knock it off, already."

Star: [(thought about something) Oh, what's next?]

Nya: "I... wasn't asking for an explanation. I was wondering if... we can... keep... going....?"

Jay: "I was.. ummm... thinking the same."

Michael: They are now wanted to do something with each other. [Oh, what a story will be.]

Marco: [Geez, we did took care for each other.]

Star: [Oh, stop it. It was nothing.]

Kai: [Yeah, we are still reacting to it.]

Michael: [Let's keep going.] Star reaches out with the rubbers as she called it.

Jay: "Uh.. thanks."

Nya: "Wait, I want to try this time..."

Jay: "Huh?"

Nya: "To put it on."

Jay: "...OK. I think we... should rinse off a bit first, let me..."

Michael: And so, they are rinsed off their body with a shower.

Star: [Hopefully, the part of you-know-what.]

Marco: [Well, we can't go anywhere.]

Kai: [That's how reaction works, dude.]

Marco: [Whatever, let's move on.]

Michael: Now, that they're done with rinsing their body off. Round 2 starts here.

Jay:  "And done."

Nya: "Come here."

Jay: "OK."

Michael: They're ready with this thing. Star looks down Marco's length. Preparing to put the rubber around it, Star have something to say.

Nya: "Hey..."

Michael: And she continued...

Nya: "I... want to try again first.."

Jay: "Wha..?"

Nya: "You know with my..."

Marco: [Don't do it!]

Jay: "Oh!"

Nya: "Can I?"

Jay: "Oh... yeah. If you're OK..."

Nya: "Yeah, I'm the one who asked, ok?"

Jay: "Oh, r-right."

Nya: "Don't worry, no teeth."

Michael: Then, Star grabbed Marco's length and slightly placed it on her lips.

Marco: [You're making me turned on, stop that.]

Kai: [Well, prepare for this.]

Jay: [Oh no.]

Star: [Good luck for that.]

Michael: [Ready? Let's do it.] Slowly and slowly, Star suck off his length and she's trying to be gentle.

Marco: [Star, I didn't know you cared about me very seriously.]

Star: [Oh, I just wanted to protect you from harm. That's all.]

Michael: Star has to prove that she cared for Marco by keep sucking and that made him moan.

Nya: "See?"

Jay: "Y-Yeah."

Michael: Now, it's time to place the rubber on his dong.

Jay: "That felt good".

Nya: "Told ya. Now, like thisss"

Jay: "Yeah, you need to-"

Nya: "Relax, Marco, I know, look."

Michael: All placed in.

Nya: "There. Ta-da. See? Now it has another pretty dress."

Jay: "Come on, again?"

Nya: "Heh."

Marco: [Oh, why!]

Star: [Let's do i- oh wait.]

Michael: [That would be dirty, wouldn't it?]

Star: [Right. Go on.]

Michael: They are now ready to put it into action.

Jay: "Well now..."

Nya: "Let me help."

Jay: "There. Standing."

Nya: "Wait, I think we should..."

Michael: They are trying to find a perfect position. Marco has an idea.

Jay: "I know... come here."

Michael: Star has to put her hands on the wall and also face on the wall. Also, holding on for something.

Jay: "I think this is better."

Michael: Round 2 is coming for an impact for Star and Marco.

Jay: "Hair... again... can you...?"

Nya: "Yes. I-I'll do it..."

Michael: He placed now his length to enter her promise. It really doesn't hurt that much. 

Nya: "Hnn... there."

Michael: Marco is so precise and try not to hurt her. Just take it easy as usual.

Marco: [Oh, gosh!]

Star: [Keep going. I want to hear more.]

Michael: [OK, I'm getting there.]

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