Chapter 1

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       "You honestly thought you could stand up to me, huh?" A man with blue spiky hair said as he stood over Rouko. Light blue aura was emitting from his body.  Rouko was laid out on the ground, nose bleeding and arm twisted the wrong way. Destruction surrounded them. Craters, gutters, you name it, its there. "Low life scum like you doesn't deserve to exist in this world." The man said, grabbing Rouko by his neck. Blue aura started to surround his hand, then around Rouko's neck. "Now,time to D---" The man started, but was interrupted by a pink hand sword going through his stomach. "Did you really think that I, Rouko, would be defeated by a peasant like you, Cipher??" Rouko said, shoving the aura sword deeper. Cipher spit up some blood. "Let me give you a taste of my power." He said, spinning his arm back the right way in a very sinister way. He then charged a small pink orb in his other hand. He moved his hand towards his stomach then he shot the orb, sending Cipher backwards.

        Once Cipher hit a wall, a big crater formed around him on impact. "As you can see, THIS is the overwhelming power of a god. With my aura, I shall beat ANYONE!" He said. Cipher slowly limped out of the crater. "You really dare to stand up to me? I must say I do respect your pride, too bad you let it take over you." Rouko said, lifting his hand up in the air. A large pink and black ball appears above his hand. "It's a shame, you could have been a great sparring partner. "H-How Dare Y-You doubt my pride." Cipher said. "How Dare YOU!!" He said, charging his aura higher than before. "My pride is the strongest part about me!!" Cipher said. "I promise that I will defeat you!! I Shall Never Fail!" Cipher says, charging a blue ball between his hands. "That mindset is what will get you killed!" Rouko said, flicking his hand down towards Cipher. The ball started pulsing with black electricity. "Haaaaaaahhh!" Cipher shot a large blue blast towards Rouko. The two aura techniques clashed. "I will win! Take this!!" Cipher yelled, adding more power towards his blast. It started to push back Rouko's ball. "Hmph." Rouko said, pointing one finger at the ball of energy. It turned full pink, grew, and went through the blast and hit Cipher, him collapsing to the ground, "Foolish mortal." Rouko started. "When you let your pride take over, this is what happens." The pink aura around Rouko disappeared. "Maybe I over did it a bit..." 

                                                                 ----=~The Next Day~=----

           Rouko was walking down the halls of his school. The floor was a nice tile floor and the walls had plaques and award cases as far as the eye can see. There were people around their lockers, like normal high schoolers. The Jocks hitting on the cheerleaders, nerds talking about pokemon cards and role playing, and Rouko just walked by them all. See, Rouko isn't with any big group of people with a type of label. Rouko usually stuck to himself, and the friends that he does have, are usually the type of friends that act the way he does. Now back to the story.
        "Come on big bro!" A orange haired girl said, hugging Rouko's arm. "Yui, stop whining." He replied. They weren't real siblings, but they they been friends since they were little babies. "But I want it now!" She whined more. He sighed. "Here."he said and pulled out a piece of chocolate. It had the words, "The G.O.A.T." She bit into it, and instantly moaned in pleasure from the taste. ((Not like that pervert)) "That was delicious!" Yui said, chewing on a piece. They started walking down the hall farther. "Here's my stop." He said to Yui, when they got in front of the infirmary. "What wrong now?" She asked, searching his body. "My arm might be messed up, so Imma ask Doc to see what's wrong." He said. "Now go to class, before I whoop you young lady." She stuck her tongue out at Rouko, and walked down the hall to her class. 

      "Your results are back." Rouko hears as he lifts his head up to see a blue haired man in a lab coat with papers in his hand. "So?" Rouko asked. "So?SO?SO?!" The nurse started. "YOUR ARM SHOULD BE BROKEN IN SIX PLACES, BUT YOU COME IN HERE, USING YOUR ARM ALL WILLY-NILLY!" he said,slamming the paper on his desk. A lime green aura erupted from the nurse. "And your mad about that because?" Rouko said, putting his feet on the table. "WHAT.....did you do this time?" The nurse said,calming down. "Fight. Of course." Rouko replied. "Last time you went to that arena, your whole leg was shattered. BUT, guess what you did? RAN ALL THE WAY HERE!" Doc then banged his fist on the table that Rouko had his feet on. Rouko quickly reacted and pulled his feet down. "I understand." Rouko replied. "Your sick of me coming in here, skipping first period. But I mean, it wouldn't BE there if people wasn't supposed to go. Plus, My rank is almost in the Top 5. Soon I can go to the Tower Of Warriors." Rouko explained. "I don't care what rank you are." He  then grabbed a cup with a green liquid in it. "You need to stop breaking yourself or I won't even be able to fix you." Doc would say, handing him the cup. "Then I'll find someone else more talented than you." Rouko replied as he  drunk the juice. Doc started releasing his green aura from his body. "I was joking, I was joking calm down." Rouko  put his hands up to surrender. His aura disappeared, and he pointed to the bedding area. "Lay down, for 3 hours, and your arm should be healed. Go." Rouko then got up from his seat and laid down on the cot and drifted off to sleep.

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