A Little Help Goes A Long Way

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Luna waited for Keith to be done with his Team Voltron meeting outside the door of the conference room. She loved the group and had come to consider them as really good friends, but she wasn't into robotics, she could barely even operate her smart phone. So instead she indulged herself in the band, chorus, and theater group of Altea University.

Now Altea hadn't been Luna's first choice, that honor went to JLU, Jupiter Legion University. She'd gotten accepted to JCU and went through her freshman year, then she went through an identity crisis. Her best friend, since she was practically a baby, died a month into that summer and that crushed her. So, wanting to leave the good memories where they were, Luna packed up and moved to Colorado, running away from her past and into her future.

Luna had transferred all of her credits from that year to Altea, who welcomed her with open arms as their newest music major, and here she stayed for the past two years. The two bedroom apartment that she first moved into by herself, she now shared with three other people. After a few months into her and Keith's relationship he ended up packing up his things and moving in with her, thinking it would be easier for both of them if they could share the rent. Then after a bit of a discussion, they invited Keith's adoptive brother Shiro and his boyfriend, Matt Holt, who just so happened to be Pidge's brother. The rent was much easier now, what with the four way split. 

All of her roommates were very supportive of her and never asked about her past and she did the same with them, once in a while she'd let something slip and they never judged her for running away from her problems, all the while she kept judging herself. She was supposed to be strong and be calm in the face of danger or stress, but she did the opposite of that. This time she vowed to stick with it and talk out her problems. She felt a change within her that differed from that of three years ago, she felt more mature and possibly more open to talk about what went wrong those few years ago, but that could wait a little bit longer, now she had to focus on her studies.

In a swift motion the conference room's door swung open, the first out was Pidge,  who quick walked passed her down the hall, all the while keeping her head down and hugging her books. Luna watched her go, curious as what had upset the younger girl. After a few beats Keith was at her side, placing a peck onto her check, he rested his arm around her back and on her hip.

"Hey, love. Ready to go?" She continued to stare down the hall that Pidge practically ran down only a few moments before.

"What's the matter with Pidge? Did anything happen?" Keith stared in the same direction as his girlfriend, with his eyebrow raised.

"She was like that for the whole meeting. First she came in late, then she dismissed the fact that Lance wasn't going to show up for the meeting. She wouldn't tell any of us what happened and she was very quiet throughout the rest of the meeting." Luna furrowed her brows, raking her brain over what could have happened, before turning to Keith a placing a kiss on his pale cheek and stepping out of his grasp.

"Wait for me. I'll just be a few minutes, I just want to make sure she's okay and stable." Keith placed a hand onto Luna's shoulder.

"I think it'd be best to leave her be for now, she probably just wants to be alone." Luna faced Keith with a worried expression.

"Honey, you know as well as I that people do stupid and risky things when influenced by strong emotions, I'm not going to let anything happen to her, not if I'm present to help prevent anything." Keith stared at her and finally gave her a small smile and released her shoulder. 

"Go. I'll wait for you outside by Red." She nodded and started to jog down the hall, determined to find her small friend.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2018 ⏰

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