spiritual camp au

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I will try to add description to the Angeles and demons to the best of my ability

Max- zozo No one knows what ZoZo actually looks like or what being he really is. But those who have come into contact with him report terrifying experiences.

Most commonly contacted through the use of an Ouija board, he seems to be a powerful demonic being with the potential to do significant physical and mental harm.(DO NOT SEY HIS NAME OR IT MIGHT LET HIM IN TO YOUR HOUSE!!!)

Nikki- nefilem
When people began to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that they were fair; and they took wives for themselves of all that they chose. Then the Lord said, "My spirit shall not abide in mortals forever, for they are flesh; their days shall be one hundred twenty years." The Nephilim were on the earth in those days-and also afterward-when the sons of God went in to the daughters of humans, who bore children to them. These were the heroes that were of old, warriors of renown.

Neil- angle
The Brahma Kumaris uses the term "angel" to refer to a perfect, or complete state of the human being, which they believe can be attained through a connection with God.

Preston- cupid
Cupid continued to be a popular figure in the Middle Ages, when under Christian influence he often had a dual nature as Heavenly and Earthly love. In contemporary popular culture, Cupid is shown drawing his bow to inspire romantic love, often as an icon of Valentine's Day.

Nerris- Death, due to its prominent place in human culture, is frequently imagined as a personified force, also known as the Grim Reaper. In some mythologies, the Grim Reaper causes the victim's death by coming to collect them.

Harrison- follen angel In religion, a fallen angel is a wicked or rebellious angel that has been cast out of heaven. The term "fallen angel" does not appear in the Bible, but it is used of angels who sinned.It is also used to describe angels cast down to the Earth during the War in Heaven, as well.

Nurf- archangel
Archangels are considered to very powerful spiritual beings that have captured our attention for centuries. The prefix 'arch' means ruling or chief in Greek. Religious texts refer to archangels as being at a high level in the celestial hierarchy.

Arid- pazozo
Pazuzu is the demon of the southwest wind known for bringing famine during dry seasons, and locusts during rainy seasons. Pazuzu was invoked in apotropaic amulets, which combat the powers of his rival,[2] the malicious goddess Lamashtu, who was believed to cause harm to mother and child during childbirth. Although Pazuzu is, himself, considered to be an evil spirit, he drives and frightens away other evil spirits, therefore protecting humans against plagues and misfortunes.

Dolph- red death
an attempt to "defy contagion" and escape the clutches of the Red Death. The Prince employs "all the appliances of pleasure" in order to distract his guests both from the suffering and death outside their walls and from thoughts of their own vulnerability to the Red Death. The Prince's actions symbolize the ways in which all humans tend to focus on material pleasures in order to distract themselves from the knowledge that everyone, including themselves, eventually must die.

Neil 2- human
he has no idea how he got to this camp, all he knows is everyone is either fighting or laughing, and to him it's all good, minus the war between haven and hell going on

[This might updated with more stuff later]

(Woo long updated 641 word's, sorry I haven't updated in a while I really haven't had anything going through my mind, but that may change soon so Keep your fingers crossed) 2/27/18

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