Pokémon Day G. R. A. Tag

49 4 10

Since I was tagged by RedPandaWorld

1. If you could have a Pokémon in real life, which would it be and why?

That's a hard one but I'd have to say if not Torchic, then Alolan Vulpix or Eevee.

2. Why is Pokémon special to you?

Pokémon has always been a big part of my life as I was literally born the year the games came out and therefore have lived in a Pokémon world. I do remember a time before I started watching the anime, but the day I did see the first season was one of those moments you remember forever due to how much it impacts your life. Pokémon taught me about friendship and loyalty- two traits that I'm big on- and was there for me through some hard times in my life and made me laugh when I needed a good laugh. The characters fromm Misty to Paul have taught me to be open minded and not judge people when you don't know their story. Even now, as a full time college student, I find myself gravitating towards the old episodes when I need to escape this world.

3. What's your favorite Pokémon-related memory?

Goodness. I have so many it's hard to choose. I'd have to say the day I started the anime for the first time. I had gone with my mom to the movie store to rent some stuff to watch (we didn't have cable at the time) and I saw the first Pokémon VHS (yes 2000s kids I know what those are. I grew up on them) and I saw they were the firdt three episodes and, after readingnthe summary and hearing it talked about so much at school, I begged mom to get it until she did and watched them all immediately after I got home. I originally did so because I wanted to be liked and make friends at school, never would I have dreamed I'd actually find some amazing friends through this series.

4. What Pokémon games have you played, do you have a favorite and why?

I've played nearly every main series game since Blue. Emerald would have to be my favorite though since it was the first one I played alongside watching the anime series for it. Plus Torchic and so many Hoenn Pokémon are my favorites ;)

5. Do you watch the anime? If so, what's your favorite season?

Yes. I've seen every episode except last week's SM one. DP wpuld have to my favorite since I loved the animation style, the plot was so well done and I loved how contests were shown more in depth than we got in the Advanced episodes. That's also the series that made me realize I'd want to be a Coordinator in that world.

6. Are you a shipper? Of so, what's your OTP?

Yes. Oh gosh yes. I'm open minded and don't agree over ships, but I have since I shipped Team Rocket's Jessie and James as a kid. Mostly cuz they were teenagers so I thought they liked each other to always stay together. My main ships are PokeShipping (Ash and Misty), Ikarishipping (Dawn and Paul), RocketShipping (Team Rocket's Jessie and James) and ContestShipping (May and Drew).

7. Do you have a favorite PokeFic?

Yes. Several actually but the most predominant still remains First Light and First Faith by my good friend gymnastgirlflips along with Blue Lighting by PikaChick which was my first PokeFic ever. The First Light series stands out in it's complexity and how you get more backstory on characters like Paul that don't get much screen time in the anime other than being Ash's rival. Plus all the Pokémon are shown to be more than battling partners. Blue Lightning was also amazing at character development and inspired my upcoming series greatly.

That's all for today! Hope you enjoyed this silly exercise, it was a nice break for me :) Happy Pokémon Day trainers!


(Only do if you want!)


-CoordinatorIza out ^_^

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