Chapter 5

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Ed pov finally at Central

I woke up to warmth at side I turned my head to see Y/n sleeping on me. I stared at her cute face until I heard Al."Brother we are now at Central wake up Y/n please.

I carefully shook her she slowly opened her eyes she yawned we both made eye contact she blushed and quickly sat up ready to go.

We walked to go to Mustang Y/n looked really excited I guess she knew he is and was excited to meet him or excited that she gets to try to be state alchemist

I wonder which one of my guesses is right? I really hope my last guess is right.

Y/n pov

I'm so excited I get to try to be a state alchemist and be with Ed more. Of course Al too I'm have to do my best so I can pass.

Which means my secret will get out. I shook my head it's worth it to with them. I smile to myself how much I now want pass so I can stay with Ed.

Timeskip to Mustang's office

Ed knocked on the door the voices stopped for a minute then you heard a deep voice." Come in."

We all went I guess that the guy sitting at the desk is the Cournel and. Wait who is that with him? He glasses and front of his hair was spiked up in the there uniform.

He smiled at us and waved." Hey Ed I see you brought a cutey with you is she a girlfriend by chance?"

I blushed a deep red so did Ed and at the same time." We are not boyfriend and girlfriend!"

Then the Cournel said," Oh look the shorties are embarrassed."

(Y/n and Ed got angery thing) We yelled very angry," WHO YOU CALLING SHORT!!"

The cournel laughed," They are so much alike my guessing they are too. Al and S/n nodded we turned to Mustang he was smirking.

I have bad feeling if I ask I won't like answer. Then, Mustang said," See you tomorrow for tests.

The room was quiet," WHAT!" I was shocked. He then continued," You can study under Ed or I can find someone else."

I then said without thinking," No, Ed will be great!" Ed was smiling happy about your answer. Mustang looked disappointed Why?

We were heading to Ed and Al's place Ed then spoke up." Hey I can't wait to teach you, help you, and both state alchemists." He smiled me and I smiled back at him.


We were at Ed and Al's place it was nicer than I was expecting it to be.

We all sat down and talked about our pasts and realized how similar our pasts are.

Al and S/n went out saying they were going on a walk so S/n know this better and left.

Me and Ed were alone we just sat there it was getting awkward.

Ed then spoke up," Y/n we should go to our beds it is getting late.

I nodded and went to our rooms. I put on my nightgown and curled up in my bed and went to sleep.


I woke up to the smell of food. S/n must be cooking, Al could be cooking, or they are. If I had to bet it was both.

I walked out of my room so did Ed we turned to each I smerked quietly whisper to Ed," We should prank them they will never see it coming." Ed gave a smerk too and nodded we both quietly snock down the stairs.

They were talking about something and were completely distracted it was perfect. We nodded to each other knowing what to do smerking deveusly.

We were ready Ed was behind Al I was behind S/n we were both wearing scary looking masks.

We both tapped at there them at the same time they responded with a huh then at the same me and Ed yelled BOOO!

They both startled screamed and fell backward landing a thud. Me and Ed started laughing so hard we our masks off and kept laughing them there reaction was hilarious.

They both looked annoyed we just kept laughing until Al and S/N joined in.

We then remember we were supposed to go to the Cournel for my tests. That were today I ready after all that studying with Ed he made it fun well for me anyway.

We quickly went off to find out my tests were everyone was excited. I wanted to pass so I can stay with Ed nothing's going to stop me!

We were then at Central. We then went to go to Mustang's office to get me started.

I for some reason have a bad feeling about something but, what is it?

Someone's pov

"She's here and I here she's like the Full Metal kid." She nodded," Well let's go find out then and see if it's true." If it is I smirked knowing the answer. " We can use them both or something else happen.

She continued," It all depends her and Full Metal I guess no one knows for sure what will happen until it does or it happens enough."

I then spoke up," Also there will be a state alchemist coming they say she's dangerous and other things."

She nodded slowly processing this," Alright be more careful then she may cause problems so don't get caught or found out or things can get ugly for us fast."

I nodded and quickly left to go back to to Central. The big guy with her watching her for what to do then I looked away and left.

Me:I didn't say names in the last pov to make it mysterious about who were and replaced names with other things.

Al: I wonder who they were?

Ed: I feel like I should know them... why?

Y/n: How should I know Ed?

Ed: (annoyed) I was talking to myself out loud!

Y/n: Then don't look derekly look me in the eye and ask next time and I won't get confused.

Al: Come on guys it was a misunderstanding there's no reason to fight.

Me: Al's right now hug each other.

(They hugged each and were nervous)

Me: Say sorry to each other.

Ed and Y/n: Sorry.

Me: ( smirked) Finally say I'm short.

Ed and Y/n: I'm...

They stopped and directly glared at me with anger.

Al: Aurora you should have saw this coming.

Me: I didn't think about that until after I said it.

Al: ( sweat drop) Bye Aurora.

Me: Huh?

Ed and Y/n: I'm not short!

Me: Bye Al. ( ran for it)

Ed and Y/n: Get back here Aurora!

Al: There they go now where was that book Aurora said I would like.

Al: Oh right bye guys ( went back to looking for book).

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