Hoonsik- Part 1

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This is for ilrae_girl

Ilhoon nervously walked into the doors of Seoul academy. It was his first day after being transferred, and all he wanted was to make new friends, but he knew that as unlikely to happen.

Clutching his bag, he walked through the halls, not knowing where he was going. Unexpectedly, he bumped into someone

"Hey watch where you're going newbie!" The guy spat at him, before pushing him onto the floor and walking off to his friends, who were all laughing at Ilhoon.

He slowly got off of the floor, and began to continued to cluelessly wander around the halls. No body stopped to help him, so he was stuck. Eventually, one of the teachers came and took him to the principles office, where he was given his timetable and was escorted to his first class.

As soon as he walked in, anxiety filled his veins as he felt all of the class turn to stare at him. He froze on the spot.

"H-hi... I'm Ilhoon..." He shyly introduced himself before looking at the teacher, waiting to be told where to sit. But he realised that there was only one seat left; a seat next to the guy that pushed him over. The teacher told him to sit there, and he walked over and sat down.

The guy glared at him "Look kid, you don't talk to me and I won't talk to you okay? Just don't bother me"

"First of all my name's Ilhoon... Can you at least tell me your name?"

"It's Hyunsik, that's all you need to know" he rolled his eyes and put his earphones back in, and the rest of his friends continued to talk.

Ilhoon sat in the lesson, completely confused. He couldn't ask his partner, because he was busy doing his work and wouldn't pay attention to him anyway. The teacher soon realised this, and walked over, nudging Hyunsik gently

"Since you're refusing to help your partner now, you'll be helping him at lunchtime"

"No no Miss I have stuff to.."

"No buts Mr, I'll see you both at lunch"

He rolled his eye and finished his work, and soon the lesson ended.
Ilhoon smiled slightly at Hyunsik

"I guess I'll see you later..."

"Yeah yeah whatever... " Hyunsik rolled his eyes and walked off to his next class

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