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The next day in school was a bit weird, i arrived in my car and get a message from an unknown number "did you have fun with Jesse atleast? 😈xox"
I message back and we have a full conversation until the bell rings,
I walk into school and I get weird looks and I hear whispers, I stop. " um what are you looking at? Take a picture it'll last longer" I hiss, with that everyone scattered leaving one person behind: Jesse. I walk towards him but he just turns and walks away,
What as that all about? I think to myself. I shrug it off and head to my class.
"Mrs Brookes, you are late?!" The teacher yells as I walk in, "sorry sir I had to hand in.... An essay" some of the class snigger and I turn to them and smirk, "go and sit down" is all the teacher says, I walk to my place and turn round to look at the cock and realise Jesse, since when was he in this class? I quickly turn back around and go on my phone for the rest of class, the bell then rang and everyone jumped up, I walk over to Jesse, "jesse" I say, he  ignores me and continues walking, I put my hand on mid shoulder and turn her me around so he is facing me, "Jesse" I say a little irritated, he shrugs ,y hand off and continues walking, "FUCKING ANSWER ME JESSE" I shout and everyone including him look at me, "what do you want" he says, I look around and everyone are still staring, I look at them and the scatter, "why are you ignoring me?" I ask,
"Well I got this text from an unknown number saying 'did you atleast have fun with kayla? 😈xox' and I thought you might have told someone?"'he said, "I got that message too look, I show his that message and the rest of our conversation:

  Unknown number,

Unknown: did you atleast have fun with Jesse?😈xox.  

Me: who is this and how the hell did you get my number?

Unknown: oh so I need to give my identity away do I now?

Me: what?!

Unknown: your very stupid aren't you. 😂

Me: yeah, oh noo, how did you find out 🙄

Unknown: don't get sarcastic I can and will tell the whole school about your little play date with Jesse!

Me: how the hell did you find out about it in the first place?

Unknown: I know people 😏

Me: hmmm, ok, i WILL find out who you are!

Unknown: I'm sure you will 😂

You have blocked this number


Sorry I haven't updated my phone is broken so I'm writing this from my iPad

Ur gorgeous ❤️

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